Tuesday, November 27, 2012

Childhood Thoughts

If you had known me then

Free Spirited

Like the wind

Would you know me?

Sometimes, sitting here is like...

waiting for your turn in a long line

screeching tires


Hours I spent

Pulling nails out of boards, then hammering them in again

Exploring the domain of the "Potato Bug/Rolly Polly"

Plucking leaves off of plants and crushing them to see what they smelled of

Here I am

Being crushed


Wednesday, November 14, 2012

So hard to think...

Sometimes it's hard to find time to think. To lay back and contemplate. A lot of times I think as I drive.

Tonight, the air frigid and still, I thought about how we are immersed in life and death. Each steady breath we take, a part of life, each pile of decaying leaves and snow that I pass a part of death.

When on the freeway I somehow can't stop myself from reading the billboards. Stupid drivel. The drive out to the new office is sometimes longer than I expect, sometimes shorter, depending upon my mood. So the billboards help me as landmarks.

Friday, November 9, 2012

Paleo bit and rambling about something else...

It's snowing hard outside. I'm so glad we are finally getting snow! Last year was very dry. I've been on this very long journey. It seems like a journey of a thousand lifetimes. It has all been about answering the question "What can I do to be healthy" and the experimentation and introspection that has gone along with that. I have grown up trying to solve my health issues. I have always felt something to be wrong in the way that I felt. I never knew how bad it was until I fell into a trap set up by misinformation, political agendas, cultural acceptance... that trap was the "SAD - Standard American Diet" and the fad "Diets" that went along with it. I tried a high fiber, Vegan diet that replaced meat with TVP... it almost killed me.

What is ironic is that I am SO sick about focusing on my diet. I have read MANY books on the subject of diet. I've gleaned a little from each. None of them helped the way that the Paleo Diet has helped.

THANKFULLY it helps. I'm finally feeling better, I finally have energy and a clear mind and direction.

In many ways I am alienated because I stand here having tried and proven many different approaches to health to be wrong and find that not many people have found this path.

It is like religion, a search for the ultimate truth. I've gotten to the point where I feel like I've found it. Yes I have absolutely found it, the way for me to be healthy, and I'm glad. I'm secure enough in that now that I don't have to push it on others, my path has been my journey, others have their own journey to take.

SO on to other things. That's where I hope to focus, perhaps books, movies, TV shows.

Books: "The White Mountain" by Thomas Mann - Love it
TV Shows: "Monk" and "Alphas (sort of, it's not as good as it has potential to be)
Movies: "The Lord of The Rings" FAN, but not super obsessed... it's kind of on par with my interest in Star Wars and Star Trek. I like and enjoy them, but I'm not giddy with excitement about a gathering of folks dressed as characters, I won't stay up all night for the new "Hobbit" movie coming out (watching the marathon of LOTR's) etc... BUT I do like listening to LOTR on You Tube (there's a great reading that was done by "Philstuffofdoom" and I am excited to see "The Hobbit" but not super excited they broke it out into 3.

I am excited about "Les Meserable" I listened to the unabridged book read by volunteers on Librivox and really liked the story line (though the long rambling sections about sewer systems and Waterloo were a bit discouraging).

I'm not sure how I feel about "Life of Pi" being turned into a movie, should be interesting.

WELL, I'm off to bed, it's late and that doesn't work well with the Paleo gig...