Thursday, November 26, 2009

Happy Thanksgiving!!

Yes, good title eh? I'm sure no one else has used it today ;)

Thanksgiving went well today, as well as can be expected given that my sis had a tummy ache, I had a slight headache, my mum was complaining about her back hurting... hmmm...

I think we should have abandoned the cooking, grabbed some fresh fruits and veggies and played board games whilst sitting around the coffee table in the living room... yeah, that wouldev' been great....

Anywho, we had dinner, most of us helped the exception would be my bro. DJBC... who is obsessed with being obsessed. I've serious doubts about his sanity... (someone call the White Coats from the funny farm)

My Ex. came to dinner, it was odd having him there. He sat by my dad, well they are buddies anyway.

We all stated what we are grateful for, feeling slightly awkward, I forgot quite a few things but what I said was sincere. My sister was sincere as well... my kids started goofing off but I told them to be serious and reminded them of all they had to be grateful for and then they came around. DJBC sounded completely sincere but as I doubt his sanity I can't take his word for anything. My brother Ev. was sincere, absolutely! My brother Jono was sincere... My ex said something or other, I'm not sure exactly what because no matter what he says I'm not sure how sincere or truthful he is, unfortunately... but that's how it is. My mom was sincere, and my dad was so sincere he was shaking... it was weird, he actually brought up my Grandpa and the sacrifices that he made for us and the country by his service in the military. Grandpa was wounded twice on his tour of duty, once on D-Day during the invasion, then he was sent to England (I believe) to recover and then he went back to serve again.

Unfortunantly I had to go check on the progress of the little girls, (my nieces 3&4 and my baby daughter who is 3) who have a history of wrecking things in the bathroom.... I heard noises from that direction but found that they were just arguing about who could go potty first... hehe... and I ended up bringing  baby daughter downstairs to use the potty. I wanted to hear dad but duty called.... ;)

After dinner we cleaned up and I was able to talk to my little sister, well we hid in her room and left the kids for a while... mom got ticked off at me but I had to grab the chance to talk when I could take it. I was glad to talk to K, she's got a really great head on her shoulders. Hmmm, no smartalec jokes about heads here please... ;)

Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Time to Bake GF...

Hmmm. I guess the title of this post could be interpreted at "Time to Bake, Girl Friend..." hehe

Well I wish that was the case, that I had a girlfriend around to bake pies with... I'm going to be making some Gluten Free Pumpkin pies (1 or 2)  my sis. in law is doing some GF baking today as well... I've also got to make some GF rolls and bread all for Thanksgiving tomorrow...

I'm just deciding if I want to use the basically void of fiber white "gluten free" flour to try and make rolls with (because it is a softer flour) or if I want to go with my basic "whole grain" GF flour which tastes basically like whole wheat bread (but hasn't a lick of wheat in it).

I use slices of bread to make GF stuffing which is really delicious!!

So that's the plan today, GF pumpkin pie and GF Bread wish me luck! :)

Monday, November 23, 2009

Well, It's a Monday

Hmmm... I've just not felt like writing anything lately

There are things going on in my life, some really terrific things, some not so great.

Geez, what to say about today... um... it's Monday.


That's what it is

and I've been hanging out at the "Funny Farm," that was fun... they make nice baskets there I'm told, though I didn't see any evidence of it...

On a brighter note, my good friend is using my voice for a project, I'm waiting to hear how it goes... :)

I should go do something, I need to make dinner but I don't know what to make... I had a good plan last week, made dinner every night. I need to do that for this week but I haven't yet... I should hold Family Home Evening but my daughter has gone over to tutoring, she has a math test tomorrow... Perhaps I should make popcorn, pour butter and maple syrup on it and put my feet up whilst the kids go at it... Nah that wouldn't be a good thing, well maybe for after FHE.... eh... I can make dinner, pull out the creative energy (from somewhere) then hopefully I can borrow my friends car tomorrow and go shopping... YEP Sounds like a plan!!


Saturday, November 21, 2009


How is it that things can be simultaneously better and worse?

So much identity is tied up to what once was that when what once was is broken it is like a kaleidoscope of ever changing possibilities

shifting shapes

future possibilities

Ah, here's hoping that things get better each and every day... :)