Wednesday, May 30, 2012

The Haves have not to fear

"Great civilizations collapse when the difference between the 'Haves' and the 'Have Nots' is too great."

"A Humans life is a struggle between ignorance and illumination"

"It's ignorance about money that causes so much greed and so much fear

-A doctor wanting more money to better care for his family raises his fees, which makes the poor people struggle because they don't have access to health care "poor people have worse health than those with more money," because the doctors raise their rates the attorney's raise their rates, because the attorneys rates have gone up school teachers want a raise, which raises our taxes and on and on and on. Soon there will be such a horrifying gap between the rich and the poor that chaos will break out and another great civilization will collapse. Great civilizations collapsed when the difference between the 'Haves' and the 'Have Nots' was too great. America is on the same course proving that history repeats itself because we don't learn from history, we only memorize historical dates and names, not the lesson. 'Aren't prices supposed to go up?' 'Not in an educated society with a well run government.' Prices should actually come down. Of course that's often only true in theory. Prices go up because of greed and fear caused by ignorance. If schools taught people about money, there would be more money and lower prices. But schools only focus on teaching people to work for money. Not how to harness moneys power.

~Robert Kiyosaki

Saturday, May 26, 2012

Roxies Graduation


I feel out of step sometimes. When everyone is jumping on board to do this or that activity I'm doing something else.

It's hard to convey how awkward I feel at times. I get so focused on the details that it is hard for me to relinquish what I'm doing to go do something else.

I try to convey a good impression when I talk to other people. A lot of times I beat myself up afterwords because I'm unsure that I said the right thing or if I acted the right way.

Tonight a colleague stopped by my cubicle to tell me about a job offer. They are hiring "Order Management" clerks, basically an A/R position, entry level. He had noticed that I have a Bachelors Degree in accounting which is what they require. Well... I had been told of a similar opening before by a guy on my team. I know what it is that is holding me back from accepting this type of work... growth. Basically the position I am in is allowing me to grow a process, something that I enjoy a lot more then simple accounting rote work. Plus I stay late in this position because I get to work late in the day, and I'm very passionate about what I'm doing. I'm scarred of getting into a different position where I am not in control of my schedule.

There are other reasons I'm resisting applying for a different position but they are hard to explain, even to myself.

The conversation went something like this. OM Manager "Hey I noticed that you have a Bachelors Degree in Accounting, did you know that we are looking for someone in order management?"  Me "I thought they had filled that position, I didn't know there was another opening." Wendell "Yeah, I just interviewed someone that I didn't like, I'm not promising anything but you should apply." Me "What does someone in Order Management do?" Wendell "they help determine if the customers billing is correct, reconcile differences and help with monthly reconciliation (something like that, I can't remember exactly what he said)." Me: "Are there any opportunities for advancement? I guess so because Mario just moved up." Wendell "yeah, I had another guy working for me for a year and then he moved up, this is an entry level position." Me: "ah, well one thing that I really like about my job right now is that I'm helping to develop the process. I know that Adobe has been challenged with this problem for quite some time now and I really feel that were close to coming up with a good solution (something to that extent)." Wendell: "well think about it, the job is listed online. It's not a job title that you see very often, though you see it more in California. Apply if you'd like (something like that...)

Sooooo I think the conversation went well, I feel anxious though that I came across sort of condescending because I was all like, "eh I don't want your job I like what I'm doing...." Should I care? Am I off base here?

I guess I really need to look it up, I couldn't get it to pull up earlier.

Another realization, I don't write much at all about what my kids are up to. K  is starting a job at 7-Peaks tomorrow. They are all out for the summer. I need to buy them all "Passes of all passes..." the 7-Peaks dealio... Edgemont students get a discount.

R had a graduation from Headstart last week. I've got pictures I need to post them.

S successfully graduated from the Fourth to the Fifth grade, he's growing up... going to be a teenager soon... :( I get a rather odd feeling about my kids getting so grown up... makes me frustrated that I can't and haven't spent much time with them and that I haven't taught them much. (Yes I know I'm a good Mom, but I'm split up into Mom and Dad and that's just not enough but as much as I can give...)

I'm reading a book called "Deep Nutrition" it's profound... so deep... ;)

Basically it was the last push I needed to convince me that eggs, pastured pork, whole raw milk, butter, grass fed beef... basically stuff that I grew up thinking was bad for me are really the only types of food that are good for me. Let me tell you, eating sausage guilt free every day (almost) is heavenly. :)

I wish I knew if my position was going to be permanent. My manager alluded to wanting to give me good tips and skills "even though I can't offer a permanent position." Which is contrary to her alluding to hiring me full time with a team of two here in Orem and sending me to India to train a team over there. Perhaps my blundering ways during my meeting presentations is causing her to rethink the idea. It seems I always get shortchanged because of skills I am working on but not quite able to carry out yet.... I'm good in other ways, many, many other ways. It's not being able to communicate effectively that is killing me. I hate it when I fall short.... :(

I'll put up some pictures tomorrow. I think I've broken through a bit of that communication barrier that's holding me down...


Friday, May 25, 2012

Thoughts on My Best Efforts

I've observed that when people come under stress that they will often look for others to blame. I believe it is a self ego defense mechanism. Placing blame however deflects from the root cause of the stress, which to me is the fact that we live in a state of uncertainty. A lot of that uncertainty stems from the choices that other people make, willingly or ignorantly.

A part of my character is a tendency to want to see the whole before focusing on the minute details, I love "Where's Waldo" books for that reason. With each new scenario open before you is a large colorful cacophony of chaos. Waldo can be placed anywhere among the chaos, hiding among the pyramids of Egypt, or on a busy street, waiting to be found. For me the satisfaction of the game is being able to tame the chaos, section it off in my mind, focus on the details (glasses, hat and shirt) and the thrill of finally finding Waldo.

I want to see the whole. If someone tells me to find Waldo in 5 minutes I panic, the fun becomes stress. That is basically the situation at work.

I know that I will be able to make things neat, understand what needs to be done to improve things, get the work done. Other people have set expectations however that we should have these company hierarchies done, NOW. I chafe at that attitude. Yet I realize that it is the corporate attitude. They want to be able to set up something (or have it set up) to where they can press a button and it will run through at a set speed until it's finished, measurable, reliable, accurate. At the end of the day, I am putting in my best.

Putting in my best, for who?

At some point I want my best to be directed to my good. My good, my goals, my dreams.

More thoughts on this later... it's getting late.

Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Weird Stuff

WOW things have been weird for me lately or have they been the same? More of the same I guess.

Sam has been in Hawaii for the past 2 Months. He visited this weekend, the same weekend my Mom planned a family trip to Lagoon.

Since he was only going to be here for the weekend (and thus would miss out on having time with the kids) I suggested he join us.

Everything went alright, he took charge of keeping Sione entertained. I helped my parents with the little girls (my daughter and my brothers daughters, all around the same age).

The next day, he decided to bring the kids up to Bridal Vale Falls to ride their bikes. After trying to figure out the new bike rack that I bought for my Honda (which doesn't fit the Yukon) and then searching for bike racks on Craig's List to fit the Yukon (because I refused to let him try forcing my rack to the Yukon) I finally convinced him to use the trailer that I bought for $300 dollars that was already sitting out side. I came along because I needed to get out of the house and on the way up he yelled at Sione for crying and told him "only fagots cry like that." I told Sam to apologize because that was uncalled for.

Later on I asked him to help me cut up some beef bones to make some good stock from. I was also helping him with his bankruptcy paperwork. My fiance called me and when I hung up with him Sam told me that he didn't think I was still talking to Ajey. He then asked me if things were going to work out. I was a bit taken aback but not too surprised that he was asking me these questions. 1 because Ajey isn't here yet and 2 because Sam is always trying to push the limits with me. He then told me that his friends keep telling him that he needs to move on and that he doesn't think the kids would be happy because he wouldn't be able to be the same with them anymore. That he wouldn't send money for their needs like he does now and wouldn't be able to spend time with them. More or less in those words.

Then he showed me a picture of some girl who wants to marry him. She's a teacher and has a son and apparently Sam's exactly what she's been looking for. I rolled my eyes at this.

On the way to pick up the kids from my moms house he brought the topic up again, told me that he regrets all the stupid stuff that he did, starting from our honeymoon. He was talking about the financial needs of the kids, how Koli is going on a mission in a few years and then Angie. He brought up that he doesn't want to get married because he doesn't want another financial burden. I asked him if the girl who wanted to marry him knew about the things that he's done. He said "No, but she can check the internet. I told her there's stuff in my past, but she said she doesn't care about the past."


Girls are so stupid, when guys say there is stuff in my past a lot of times it's really, really bad stuff.

I just got out of the car and went in the house (my Dad had brought the kids home so we had turned around and gone home during this discussion).

The next day I dropped Sam off at the airport. On the way up there he had this backwards conversation with a friend of his cousin. "You're my sister, yeah. Hone (his cousin) is my sister so now you're my sister because your her friend and friends don't date their brothers."

Another chance to point out that he has girls who want to date him.

Well I'm thrilled for him right? Actually more scared that he's going to marry some other girl and will ruin her life. Plus somehow, somehow his mess could come in to my life and effect it.

Lesson learned for me (again) the less I talk to Sam the better.

Second weird thing, long distance relationships. Enough said.

Well, I'm done at work. Just wanted to blog a bit.


Thursday, May 10, 2012

Scarlet Pimpernel

I've only heard bits and pieces about the Scarlet Pimpernel, my friend Sorina says it's her favorite play. Here are a coupld of the songs she mentioned to me along with a Wiki link about the work.


Where's the Girl

Falcon in the Dive

Sunday, May 6, 2012

Becoming Stronger

Yesterday was really hard for me. I have a blog but don't really write here much of what happens in my life, fear of judgement perhaps, protection for those I love as well...

After I had "broken up with," Sam, and before the divorce was final I met two guys. One online AP,  and one that I worked with DZ.

The divorce was a foregone thing, the holdup in getting it finalized was getting Sam to actually sign the papers. However meeting two guys, who I was really fond of and who were very fond of me, and trying to recover from a divorce was brutal on me.

I was terribly mixed up, stressed out and hurt those who loved me and myself. That's why I have been so silent within the blogging world.

I've never really "dated" anyone. It seems that my relationships go from "Hi, you're pretty" to "let's get married," before I know what's what. However I have loved, and I love deeply. I was married to Sam or 14 years and I loved him every day and hurt all the time. It wasn't a simple thing, loving him. He hurt me through ignorance quite often, he simply didn't know how to love me right, love = sex to him, that is not how I work. He hurt me through anger, anger that would build up and then explode with outbursts and irrational edicts for the kids. He also hurt me through hurting my kids, hitting and beating on K, sometimes smacking A and K hands with a belt. A was hurt indirectly through him beating on K and through Sams attempted molestation. How badly she was hurt I can only try to comprehend. The very thought of what has happened to my kids makes me scream at times.

So it's hard for me to simply move forward, even if I love someone.

AP has taken a lot of flack from me, a lot of pain. He still loves me, I'm grateful for that.

AP is easier for me to understand, when I'm actually with him. We get distant with the distance. But when I'm with him I'm reminded me of how I used to be when I was younger, spontaneous, ridiculous and happy. He's not here yet, but I hope that our relationship will continue to develop in the same way when he comes.

DZ, and I have a lot in common. Similar pain points while growing up, similar interests and inclinations, rock hunting, mountains, nature, books... however disparate in our sense of humor and too similar at finding fault with ourselves. I hate how much I hurt him, I didn't want to. There where some things that I didn't like in him that I would have found really hard to leave alone... Love should and is about loving someone in spite of the little things that bother and irritate. The relationship wasn't good for me, nor do I believe that it was good for DZ.

That's why yesterday was hard for me. I was hurting over a song DZ had sent me through a blog post comment, I felt blamed, and I felt bad. I went to talk to him, the first time I've seen him in quite some time. He's got a girlfriend now, she appreciates his jokes, she is very pretty... she seems to have taken the edge off of his pain. I feel better now, he really meant to say to me that things will be alright. I will take that explanation.

I have hope that with AP, I will find happiness. I smile when I think of the time we've spent together, how he will go off on silly tangents (pretending to be the Pink Panther). He thinks of ways that we're going to teach the kids correct things in life, good habits. He is a really good, really spiritual guy. I love him very much, he makes me want to be a better person. :)

As for myself, I'm on a journey to become the person that I've always wanted to be. I'm going to keep going...

Saturday, May 5, 2012

From Les Mes!

Learn this: joy is not only joyous; it is great.

But be in love gayly then, what the deuce! Marry, when you marry, with fever and giddiness, and tumult, and the uproar of happiness! Be grave in church, well and good.

But, as soon as the mass is finished, sarpejou! you must make a dream whirl around the bride. A marriage should be royal and chimerical; it should promenade its ceremony from the cathedral of Rheims to the pagoda of Chanteloup.

I have a horror of a paltry wedding. Ventregoulette! be in Olympus for that one day, at least. Be one of the gods.

My friends, every recently made bridegroom ought to be Prince Aldobrandini. Profit by that unique minute in life to soar away to the empyrean with the swans and the eagles, even if you do have to fall back on the morrow into the bourgeoisie of the frogs.

Don't economize on the nuptials, do not prune them of their splendors; don't scrimp on the day when you beam. The wedding is not the housekeeping. Oh! If I were to carry out my fancy, it would be gallant; violins would be heard under the trees.

Here is my programme: sky−blue and silver. I would mingle with the festival the rural divinities; I would convoke the Dryads and the Nereids. The nuptials of Amphitrite, a rosy cloud, nymphs with well dressed locks and entirely naked, an Academician offering quatrains to the goddess, a chariot drawn by marine monsters.

"Triton trottait devant, et tirait de sa conque Des sons si ravissants qu'il ravissait quiconque!"[65]
−−there's a festive programme, there's a good one, or else I know nothing of such matters, deuce take it!"

"Triton trotted on before, and drew from his conch−shell sounds so ravishing that he delighted

The night of the 16th to the 17th of February, 1833, was a blessed night. Above its shadows heaven stood open. It was the wedding night of Marius and Cosette.
The day had been adorable.
It had not been the grand festival dreamed by the grandfather, a fairy spectacle, with a confusion of cherubim and Cupids over the heads of the bridal pair, a marriage worthy to form the subject of a painting to be placed over a door; but it had been sweet and smiling.

Thoughts on Faith

What is the difference between living in seeming reality and the reality of the Spirit of God?

One difference is that whereas without faith I would think of myself and what I accomplish in a very divisive way. What I am doing at work is not good enough, I am not measuring up. What I am doing is more than what others would do, I am better than them, but I'm trying too hard, what I do isn't important and not recognized.

Without being dedicated to the Lord I feel no obligation to reach beyond the place where I currently am, I don't feel there is something more that I'm not reaching for. Doing for others without regard for our own personal interest.

Whatever I have to accomplish it is up to me, I cannot say "It will happen because the Lord is with me, he is blessing me." The feeling that I cannot fail is not there, there is so much doubt. Doubt in my abilities... yet sometimes there is doubt when I am relying upon the Lord, what if what I want to accomplish is not what the Lord wants for me? That means that my efforts will come to not if it is the Lords will. In some ways it is giving up my will, it's sometimes harder to decide what I want to try to do.

Commitment to God that does not ebb and flow with the commitments and the crises of our lives.

I've felt that I am not good enough, subordinate skills, jealousy of what other people have been able to do.

How is believing in God different in believing in Santa Clause? Perhaps we try an experiment to see if people when given an artificial "god" would record the same benefits as from believing in God. Perhaps we set up a belief by telling them that they can receive anything that they ask for, and then show them instances where others have asked and received. Where they have to be "good" or they will not get what they wan and then delve into what being good entails. Will it work? Is a belief in a power beyond what we normally experience enough to make the following of proscribed dogmas efficacious? Or does there have to be something more, reality. What is reality? To me it is an act or wisdom that when followed will cause a consistent and universal result. For me there is absolutely a reality of intuitive back to basics eating. Our bodies simply do better when we understand and feed them what they need. Within that realm though there are basic requirements and then there are specialized requirements for what is best for me to eat. However there is no room for eating things that were not meant (or ideal) for human consumption. Perhaps we cannot see the result of eating improperly right away, but gradually we will see a decline in health and mental ability. Thus too, there are basic requirements that our body needs, enrichment from spiritual truth.


I no longer feel that I can have faith in a specific god. I do believe in faith, but not particularly in the god that I was raised with. This is information that would hurt some of my family so I've kept it under wraps but I logically cannot continue a belief in the god of my youth.


Yesterdays Gone

Today's 3.5 hour day (the remaining amount needed for 40 hours) has turned into a full day, from 11:00 AM to almost 11:00 PM!!

Sometimes I really dislike being the one in charge...

My position here at Adobe is a bit tentative... supposedly it could become permanent, I could soon be leading a team of 3 at the Orem office and off to train a team of x number temps in India. OR I could be leading a larger team in Orem and then a team in India... It all depends upon the terms that my manager is able to get from her boss.

The issues for me are slightly more complicated. The system we started out using has proven to be a big hindrance in some ways, though useful in some ways...

My dilemmas, well... I feel like I need to be the one to make this all work. I keep trying and trying to get this process smoothed out and set right but it seems that dilemmas keep creeping in. Today I discovered that if we don't review everything that we've loaded into the system, we could potentially have multiple parents in our files that we don't know about (multiple parents for 1 customer record). What that means is more time sorting through 1 company; we have hundreds of companies to get through!

I really want to write up scenarios behind all of the issues we are facing as a team so that I can explain them to the broader team but I am finding that my time is being eaten away by trying to fix the issues that are cropping up within my own files. The broader IT team in general has no idea what our process is now which needs to be amended before they will be able to understand how to help us.

One thing that is a big hindrance to me is my communication skills. At some points of time I am quite apt at communication, at others (around certain times of the month) I am TERRIBLE I just can't concentrate when a sea of raging hormones starts dancing around in my body, it is so frustrating!

It helps when my friend Robert is on the ball; he's a fairly good communicator, my IT contact that has helped me to create the current process our team is using. He created macros to use wild cards to search for the data we need to evaluate. Robert can talk a lot, and he interrupts me at times during meetings, but I forgive him because he usually interrupts with points that I am missing. He's been in the corporate world longer than I have and understands the business better. I am sometimes narrow minded as to why the issues we are facing should matter to the larger business community. My point is that these problems irritate me and the team and then that they hinder us from accomplishing our goals. He usually stays focused on the big picture of accomplishing this extremely important goal of hierarchy creation (at least that's the whole point of many peoples jobs here). I'm starting to get it now, but I wish I didn't have to go through this painful adaptation process where I stumble around and look quite foolish trying to explain things.

Robert is the most professional guy that I've ever worked with, straightforward, very respectful, very encouraging. He tells me that I'm a superstar and thanks everyone very sincerely when we are in meetings for their participation and for the good job we all do. Such good manners, I really like him.

Other members of the team are my good friends. They contribute quite a bit to our goals, I really appreciate them... but then it seems that I'm the one that identifies issues that need fixed, and it's hard for me to stay on top of team training when I'm working on everything else.

In any case, this has been the perfect job for me. I might sound like I'm complaining but I'm not, I LOVE developing processes, making things work, smoothing things out.


I will feel relived if/when my job becomes permanent. I will get health insurance, paid vacation time, paid holidays! YAY!

Friday, May 4, 2012

Some memories...

Today's 3.5 hour day (the remaining amount needed for 40 hours) has turned into a full day, from 11:00 AM to almost 11:00 PM!!

Sometimes I really dislike being the one in charge...

My position here at Adobe is a bit tentative... supposedly it could become permanent, I could soon be leading a team of 3 at the Orem office and off to train a team of x number temps in India. OR I could be leading a larger team in Orem and then a team in India... It all depends upon the terms that my manager is able to get from her boss.

The issues for me are slightly more complicated. The system we started out using has proven to be a big hinderance in some ways, though useful in some ways...

My dillemas, well... I feel like I need to be the one to make this all work. I keep trying and trying to get this process smoothed out and set right but it seems that dillemas keep creeping in. Today I discovered that if we don't review everything that we've loaded into the system, then we could potentially have multiple parents in our files that we don't know about (multiple parents for 1 customer record). What that means is more time sorting through 1 company, we have hundreds of companies to get through!

I really want to write up scenarios behind all of the issues we are facing as a team so that I can explain them to the broader team but I am finding that my time is being eatten away by trying to fix the issues that are cropping up within my own files. The broader IT team in general has no idea what our process is now which needs to be amended before they will be able to understand how to help us.

One thing that is a big hinderance to me is my communication skills. At some points of time I am quite apt at communication, at others (around certain times of the month) I am TERRIBLE I just can't concentrate when a sea of raging hormones starts dancing around in my body, it is so frustrating!

It helps when my friend Robert is on the ball, he's a fairly good communicator, my IT contact that has helped me to create the current process our team is using. He created macros to use wild cards to search for the data we need to evaluate. Robert can talk a lot, and he interupts me at times during meetings, but I forgive him because he usually interupts with points that I am missing. He's been in the corporate world longer than I have and understands the business better. I am sometimes narrow minded as to why the issues we are facing should matter to the larger business community. My point is that these probelms irritate me and the team and then that they hinder us from accomplishing our goals. He usully stays focused on the big picture of accomplishing this extremely important goal of hierarchy creation (at least that's the whole point of many peoples jobs here). I'm starting to get it now, but I wish I didn't have to go through this painful adaptation process where I stumble around and look quite foolish trying to explain things.

Robert is the most professional guy that I've ever worked with. Straightforward, very respectful, very encouraging. He tells me that I'm a superstar and thanks everyone very sincerly when we are in meetings for their participation and for the good job we all do. Such good manners, I really like him.

Other members of the team are my good friends. They contribute quite a bit to our goals, I really appreciate them... but then it seems that I'm the one that identifies issues that need fixed, and it's hard for me to stay on top of team training when I'm working on everything else.

In any case, this has been the perfect job for me. I might sound like I'm complaining but I'm not, I LOVE developing processes, making things work, smoothing things out.


I will feel relived if/when my job becomes permanent. I will get health insurance, paid vacation time, paid holidays! YAY!

Other thoughts, what has led me to this point in my life? I'm waiting for my fiance to gain experience in his job field by working in India and I'm waiting for him to send me the documentation that I need to be able to apply for a I-129F visa for him. This time of being apart, him in India, me in the US with 12 hours difference (give or take a half hour) is challenging. We don't get to talk much, I get VERY lonely. In fact lonely enough to think of wanting to snuggle with someone nearby, even with Sam. I talk myself out of that really quick though, such foolish thoughts, so selfish of me. Sometimes I wonder if I'm being foolish in this, waiting around for someone I've known mostly from the inadequate medium of the internet and phone conversations. The time that I spent with him last year, in Feb and then in Dec was very nice, very reassuring.

I will describe my experiences and thoughts. In February, I arrived in Brisbane right after Australia had experienced a great deal of flooding. AP and I stayed at the flat he shared with his room mates, I borrowed his room mates hair dryer. :)

I was really shy at first, and quite shocked to actually meet him. In fact quite hesitant to resume talking normally with him. Soon enough though we were able to talk, and joke around. I remember driving in his friends dingy little car, I thought it smelled weird. It was quite disorienting to be driving on the wrong side of the road (in my mind). I'm glad AP drove everywhere. We spent most of our time at the apartment/flat talking through things, going for walks to talk some more and in meeting people. We went to a church activity which was interesting because Mormons act the same way in Australia that they do here (basically). It was a pot-luck and each family had brought their specialty to share with the Ward. Jell-o Salads and such abounded. It was a rowdy family affair designed as a "get to know you" for the ward. So I got to slide around introducing myself to the members of the Inagra ward. Strangely AP disappeared and I was a bit annoyed that he did because I was left alone introducing myself to people who sometimes didn't even know APhimself...

We went to the top of mount Kootha to see the stars at night. I could tell that AP was going to propose. Somewhere in the back of my mind I thought, "No" it's too soon, I'm not sure, I really need to date more people. That's the idea that had been in my head from the beginning. But I felt calm with AP, he was reassuring, positive, and patient. I broke down at one point when I first arrived and started crying, I was overwhelmed, and it was the week before my period which always makes me over emotional. I had doubts in my mind about myself that had been there since the divorce and all the struggles I had gone through since. AP stood me up, looked at me straight in the eyes and told me that I am much better than I was giving myself credit for. That he believed in me, that I could make it. Other people have told me the same things, but then I've heard negativity about other people from them, their words never stuck because of the continual barrage on other peoples characters. Ajey never did or does that, he is positive, tells it straight. IF someone is in the wrong or has behaved poorly he calls that behavior out. He is fair.

So at the top of mount Kootha, I smoothed over the awkwardness of not getting to climb to the lookout where another couple was standing and accepted his ring, became engaged.

We visited with AP's friends from Saudi Arabia the next day, in fact we spent the day with them. They were very sweet and gave me flowers, chocolates and a card to congratulate us on our engagement. We then went to the Australia zoo/Steve Irwin shrine together. That was quite fun. I really loved the couples sweet little kids. After the zoo we went to the Gold Coast and walked along the beach, it was very nice to kick off my shoes and walk along the shore. I didn't have a swimming suit with me, but that was OK. AP's friend swam with his kids, his wife stayed on the beach reading.

APtook pictures of me, I love how they look, I look very natural.

We visited a sea food restaurant afterwords, that was more than I had bargained for. I ordered the sea food platter and literally got a large bowl of shrimp and other sea food and something like 6 large prawns in their shells! I didn't know what else to do but dig in, so that's what I did.

Thursday, May 3, 2012

Lovely Day :)

Several lovely things happened today. I'm listening to some delightfully done audio books while working through some files and participated in a call with the sales team which highlighted some of the benefits of the process I've helped to develop.

"The Hobbit!" I love the way the reader of the book modified his speach to match who was talking, it made it very enjoyable to listen to.

Now "The Lord of The Rings" it's so delightfully done, here is a link to the You Tube series that I've been listening to