It's snowing hard outside. I'm so glad we are finally getting snow! Last year was very dry. I've been on this very long journey. It seems like a journey of a thousand lifetimes. It has all been about answering the question "What can I do to be healthy" and the experimentation and introspection that has gone along with that. I have grown up trying to solve my health issues. I have always felt something to be wrong in the way that I felt. I never knew how bad it was until I fell into a trap set up by misinformation, political agendas, cultural acceptance... that trap was the "SAD - Standard American Diet" and the fad "Diets" that went along with it. I tried a high fiber, Vegan diet that replaced meat with TVP... it almost killed me.
What is ironic is that I am SO sick about focusing on my diet. I have read MANY books on the subject of diet. I've gleaned a little from each. None of them helped the way that the Paleo Diet has helped.
THANKFULLY it helps. I'm finally feeling better, I finally have energy and a clear mind and direction.
In many ways I am alienated because I stand here having tried and proven many different approaches to health to be wrong and find that not many people have found this path.
It is like religion, a search for the ultimate truth. I've gotten to the point where I feel like I've found it. Yes I have absolutely found it, the way for me to be healthy, and I'm glad. I'm secure enough in that now that I don't have to push it on others, my path has been my journey, others have their own journey to take.
SO on to other things. That's where I hope to focus, perhaps books, movies, TV shows.
Books: "The White Mountain" by Thomas Mann - Love it
TV Shows: "Monk" and "Alphas (sort of, it's not as good as it has potential to be)
Movies: "The Lord of The Rings" FAN, but not super obsessed... it's kind of on par with my interest in Star Wars and Star Trek. I like and enjoy them, but I'm not giddy with excitement about a gathering of folks dressed as characters, I won't stay up all night for the new "Hobbit" movie coming out (watching the marathon of LOTR's) etc... BUT I do like listening to LOTR on You Tube (there's a great reading that was done by "Philstuffofdoom" and I am excited to see "The Hobbit" but not super excited they broke it out into 3.
I am excited about "Les Meserable" I listened to the unabridged book read by volunteers on Librivox and really liked the story line (though the long rambling sections about sewer systems and Waterloo were a bit discouraging).
I'm not sure how I feel about "Life of Pi" being turned into a movie, should be interesting.
WELL, I'm off to bed, it's late and that doesn't work well with the Paleo gig...
What is ironic is that I am SO sick about focusing on my diet. I have read MANY books on the subject of diet. I've gleaned a little from each. None of them helped the way that the Paleo Diet has helped.
THANKFULLY it helps. I'm finally feeling better, I finally have energy and a clear mind and direction.
In many ways I am alienated because I stand here having tried and proven many different approaches to health to be wrong and find that not many people have found this path.
It is like religion, a search for the ultimate truth. I've gotten to the point where I feel like I've found it. Yes I have absolutely found it, the way for me to be healthy, and I'm glad. I'm secure enough in that now that I don't have to push it on others, my path has been my journey, others have their own journey to take.
SO on to other things. That's where I hope to focus, perhaps books, movies, TV shows.
Books: "The White Mountain" by Thomas Mann - Love it
TV Shows: "Monk" and "Alphas (sort of, it's not as good as it has potential to be)
Movies: "The Lord of The Rings" FAN, but not super obsessed... it's kind of on par with my interest in Star Wars and Star Trek. I like and enjoy them, but I'm not giddy with excitement about a gathering of folks dressed as characters, I won't stay up all night for the new "Hobbit" movie coming out (watching the marathon of LOTR's) etc... BUT I do like listening to LOTR on You Tube (there's a great reading that was done by "Philstuffofdoom" and I am excited to see "The Hobbit" but not super excited they broke it out into 3.
I am excited about "Les Meserable" I listened to the unabridged book read by volunteers on Librivox and really liked the story line (though the long rambling sections about sewer systems and Waterloo were a bit discouraging).
I'm not sure how I feel about "Life of Pi" being turned into a movie, should be interesting.
WELL, I'm off to bed, it's late and that doesn't work well with the Paleo gig...
1 comment:
Well I've just had grubby, slimy cheese on stale bread for lunch. How's that for a diet?
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