Wednesday, November 6, 2013


I've spent a lot of time analyzing my past, trying to make sense of my mixed up past, feeling a lot of guilt over my mistakes... and feeling unworthy at some level of future happiness.

I used to take things so personally, still do sometimes. I get paranoid when my hormonal level is out of whack.

There was an article I read the other day about "Orthodoxia," I believe, which was to be hyper focused on some aspect of doing everything right. Eating exactly right, exercising exactly on schedule... meditating regularly, having a perfectly clean house... etc. or at least being so wrapped up in those kinds of things that you become isolated from others. I become wrapped up in my hobbies at times. Hyper focused, trying to do it all right and I isolate myself.

I'm trying to be chill, but sometimes it is hard...


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