Saturday, March 3, 2018

Working, a blessing and a curse

This week I have been working late every day. It's due to our company's Quarter End where they give no quarter to meet their ends.

I find it difficult to be stuck at work, I have an active mind and I'm constantly thinking of new things that I want to do so it is hard to stay focused sometimes.

Work is a force to focus you on a task, it is a requirement, no getting out of it. It is a means to an end and that end is not necessarily the end that you desire.

Working for a company is in some ways a privilege and a burden. In life there are many things like that, to gain the privilege of earning money you exchange the burden of going to work at a certain time, staying however long they require and doing what they want you to do. In exchange you earn a certain amount of money.

It is hard for me to listen to motivational pep videos where they are urging you to "follow your dreams," "do what you love," and then the theory is that you will be successful and never work a day in your life because you are doing something fulfilling and it doesn't fill like work.

There is a big part of me that wants to jump on board with these ultra peppy huzza talks but another more cynical part of me thinks of all the projects that I have started and not followed through on. All of the things that I love that aren't necessarily going to earn me any money. Is it negative self talk? Self doubt? or is it reality?

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