Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Generally Moving in the Right Direction

Hi out there! :)

Boy am I glad Christmas time is over!

Oh wait it's been a few weeks hasn't it?

Well, It's taken that long to recover from the hectic pace of the season. It took me weeks to get the tree down, another week to get the decorations put away... not to mention all of the kittens we had to find homes for, that was the crux of the problem... (well one of the problems anyway).

Things were on this treadmill for a while, I couldn't get x done because I hadn't got y done. I couldn't get y done because x needed to be done... it was all driving me banana's!!

Finally I took the bull by the horns (Yikes!!) and took pictures of the kittens to put in the classifieds on-line. Well, there were 6 of these critters, plus the mommy and one of her older kittens (now cat), then we had our tom cat showing up here and there, I felt like a crazy cat woman!! So the deal was, I didn't want to take pictures because our house was messy. I couldn't find the battery to my camera anyway because I had forgot it at my parents house. Our house was messy because I hadn't gotten around to taking down the Christmas stuff, the Christmas stuff was still up because I needed to be able to focus to find new spots for it all since the cats had destroyed some of the boxes (and so had my 3 year old). I couldn't get rid of the cats because of the aforementioned lost battery of the camera!! hehehe... see what I mean?

Well, finally I just grabbed my sons camera (which is partially broken as you can't see out of the tiny screen), and tried to round up the kittens (6 of them!! Yes I've mentioned it before, but really 6! It was terrible, they were everywhere, they sat in the food bowl and gobbled like maniacs!!) The kittens ran away before I could get pictures because I couldn't see them in the screen, so I recruited the kids to help me and the kittens still got away! Finally we got pictures taken, but it was late so I had to wait for the next day to put them in the classifieds.

Lucky for me, my oldest son took the initiative to get decent pictures of the kittens. He snapped pictures of them when they were tired, so when I went to put them in the classifieds we had a decent picture of each of them. Amazingly within 20 min. we had 3 or 4 people call, 2 text messages (it is baffling to me how people just text others without their permission, I had text messaging turned off on my phone so I'm not used to it... after I turned it on I noticed the phenomenon) and we had an e-mail about the kittens. Over the next 2 hours or so we had 4 of the kittens gone and 1 definite person who wanted one. So 5 were spoken for on the first night and then we were left with one black kitten (whom people wanted, but some people didn't come because they knew others were coming for the kittens and didn't want to take a chance on not getting one and wasting their time)....

So we had the black one for a few more days then I put her up by herself and someone came to get even her... and then I cleaned the house...

I put the Christmas stuff away, got out the vacuum, got out our mini carpet cleaner... and voila! Things are now much, much better... far more organized and I am breathing easier... ;)

Hope things are well with you all... um, yeah, hope you enjoyed my rant ;) :)



Opaque said...

Well done!!! You have got the ball rolling this year! Good luck, continuously!!!

S. C. Green said...

Happy to hear you got things done. It's amazing how the soul lightens in a clean environment. If only I could get my kids to understand this.

CathM said...

Great you're getting back into the swing of things... :)