Thursday, February 25, 2010

Life - Busy

Hi Everybody,

I've been so out of the blog world that I don't know what is going on with you all. I posted a while back about a job that I was offered, well, that actually turned into a learning experience. First of all, some people don't really say what they mean and talk in veiled code (for instance, this particular message) and no matter how right you might think something is, it may turn out wrong. So that job offer turned out to not be as I thought it was and I am still looking.

Tomorrow I'm going up to an Accounting Temp agency to register with them, interview, take tests to see if I can do what I say that I can do and then hopefully come back down to interview with another company for a position in their Accounts Payable department.

I interviewed with them about a week ago for a position in their Accounts Receivable department, which went really well, but they decided I was overqualified and referred me to this other position. The company is full of energy, it is a fairly new Security System provider and they've seen a lot of growth. They offer full benefits with the position and gym (in their building), I'm not sure how that would work... come in early to work out... go home to change then come back... or come back after a long day at work to work out... or keep workout clothes there to excercise before going home... hmmm

Anyway, it is a good opportunity... but I am thinking working with the temp agency might lead to something more worthwhile (higher pay)... so it's a hard call.

The most difficult thing about this time in my life has been establishing new habits and accepting myself (respecting myself). It's not easy to go from being a stay at home mom to a working mom... luckily I think my 3 year old is up to the transition as she's been tolerating the times that I've had to leave her with my sister or my friends really well...

Well, things are pulling together anyway, I will check up on blogs during the weekend



Opaque said...

It is nice to read from you SG. I always love reading your reflections here.

Now, I completely agree as I can relate to some job positions expecting more than what is ideally expected. And, sometimes being completely contrary. This could get annoying as it demands you to compromise. Hmm. So, a good move there as you are looking for jobs.

I have always been very happy when people told me that I was over qualified for a job and denied a position. I tell myself, "I am too good for the job OR the job is peanuts for me and they want me to do something much better". Hehe, yes, an air of arrogance, perhaps. But, I'd choose to think it is my confidence.

I am very glad that you are going for that interview. I am pretty sure things will go great for you. Your three year old is very understanding. I love that!

Give your best to life! Life is like a mirror, what you give, you shall get. You always have my best wishes SG.

Corrie Howe said...

Sorry to hear about your job situation. I joined a local Chamber of Commerce and found out that the social services and state have departments which help match job skills to employers. Maybe they have something like this in your area?

I totally didn't know about these departments. And they were saying they are trying to get the word out to everyone.