Wednesday, February 10, 2010

The way Christ helps me with life

The way Christ helps me with life.

I think that for the most part, in life we are successful if we work hard, find that competetive edge and go for it. I find myself continually searching, probing, refining trying to "fix" whatever problem that I have ended up with from growing up without parameters in my home... rules so breakable that they might as well not be there at all.

Eventually I am going to learn to type fast enough, spell most words correctly, learn how to use the 10-Key quicker, learn more tricks to Quickbooks and Excel... all skills needed for work and for my goal of getting into grad school later on. Well mainly work at the moment, one thing at a time.

It is Christ though that helps me take the mechanical, routinized perfectionism of this world and put it all into perspective.

It is through quite moments of reflection when I admit that I have failed, fallen short, that I am not perfect where I realize my humanity and his love for me.

That he loves me despite my mistakes, and that I can pick myself up and move on, striving for that ultimate goal of success.

Still knowing that the essence of life is love, and if I fail to develop that trait then I have truly failed. So I keep my eyes on Christ, holding onto His word with gratitude for what I have and a hope that the success that I seek may come.


Opaque said...

SG, this is a right attitude. Knowing and feeling that unconditional love is definitely a boost in one's life and a tonic for him/her to keep moving on. After all, all of us need is some love and support. And, when we get it, combine it with hard work and sincerity to make the unachievable, achievable.

A beautiful post, as always! I am proud of you!

Corrie Howe said...

The bible says we can do all things through Christ in and working through us. It was one of the most liberating things I learned, that I can't do anything without Him. And He is just waiting on me to stop trying so He can take over.

Kinda like when we watch our toddlers who want to "Do It Myself!" And we just wait patiently and lovingly and step in when they are done trying on their own.