Sunday, August 1, 2010

Frustration - Trying to catch my tail

I'm stealing time to write, ridiculous, as it never seems to serve me well when I stay up late. I just felt like writing a bit about my frustration with life, I've been staring at books for the better part of my life and have been frustrated by them... why? Because I cannot absorb them by osmosis... I must labor with them, yet there never seems to be the time to do so.

I used to escape from school, ditch it, play hooky... to go home and read. I would pile the books high, important subjects like "Physics," "Chemistry," "The History of The World," "Math," and of course the audio tapes that just happened to be sitting around like "The Essentials of Morris Code..."

I'm not sure what it was but I simply hated all the worksheets that the teachers gave us, I felt like I was missing something.

Well I still feel that way sometimes, it is very frustrating.

All the wisdom in the world though is not as valuable as that of my own thoughts, and that is what I neglect sometimes. Just sitting and thinking, not distracting myself with outside stimuli...

I feel like rambling a bit, I've not done that for a while... yet I'm stealing time from sleep, curse it all!!

There is not enough time to do it all, I try to prioritize but my priorities become a chore... and the chore becomes a burden. It seems that the house needs to be cleaned, the shopping and cooking done and what the heck am I able to get done besides running to catch my tail?

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