Tuesday, March 22, 2011


I'm not going to take this, no, NO, I'm not.

There is enough and then there are subtleties,

subtleties that creep in-between your reserve, your resolve.

The point you say? I don't know what is the point.

It is hiding in the cracks in the midst of the ocean in the hidden harried music of the harpsichord.

A restraint that cannot be felt, nor seen, only known.

Knowledge that cannot be a boon.

But where are the answers you ask.

and I stand here stating I know not, I don't know they are hidden in the future the unforeseen realities that may come and might not.

And where do I go from here? To the left I say, to the left and then the right.

Over there,

Over where?

There just there, right behind the hickory stump.

What hickory stump? I don't see one.

Right there, are you blind?

Are you?

Can you see that, I cannot, can you foretell the future?

The future is a mystery I cannot foretell it...

But I thought that you could, you are immutable, are you not?

I am not...


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