Thursday, October 1, 2015

Trying to stay Focused

I've toyed off and on with the idea of trying to make money from blogging. It seems to me that when I do things disingenuously they don't get very far. I think perhaps that's partly what's wrong with me at work. It's not that I don't try to work hard, it's just that I don't enjoy being there, I don't feel like myself.

Perhaps blogging is an art form that I haven't mastered yet. I write whatever is on my mind, like a journal entry and then publish it. Perhaps I need a bit more discipline than that, a set writing schedule or interest.

Today I'm trying to work out what to do with myself since it seems like my boss is in the process of firing me. I've been too inconsistent at work and not happy that they only focus on what seems to me minor errors that are caught by the weekly recons that are created and easily fixed. Thus when they focused on these things every week I disliked hearing it and didn't take what they said seriously enough.

I think words are powerful. The words running through your head determine the world that you live in, I truly believe that. As such I'm a bit superstitious, when it comes to what I write... I guess I'm really superstitious.

Sometimes I fear that I will hurt someone I love by my words, I fear writing the bald truth of how I'm feeling at one moment or another because I know that words can hurt. I also know that feelings are not fixed, they change.

I find it hard to concentrate sometimes on one subject. I'm interested in so many things. So I hop around when I'm trying to complete a task, like now... I've hoped around to several tabs and read through things, updated another thing, checked FB...

So if I want to seriously consider blogging or some other form of freelance work. I will need to find a way to stay on task. Stay focused on a few points of interest rather than hoping all over the place... at least until I've finished my thought.



Adullamite said...

Ah work, the dreaded workplace where everyone has it in for you and nothing you say goes right. Well that's how I remember it anyway! Easy for me to say but I would not bother too much about losing a job, the worry is getting another. That is always hard and the jobs on offer are always awful!
Since being forced to retire I enjoy life more as I help out occasionally at the museum. That is great and does me good as well as helping them. I have no stress as that belongs to others, a job brings stress, whatever it is. Working for yourself is good but does not pay.
You still ponder too much, you have lots going for you and have lots to offer. Look up more and don't fret too much about work, something will come up.

Strawberry Girl said...

Thank you! Today seems a bit brighter for my prospects here at work... but as always I would rather be doing something else... ;)