Tuesday, January 10, 2023


More constant than other companions, a probe of deep feelings, of sadness and loss. Sharper than love, easier to recognize, grief.
It is easy to want it to end. Harder to accept it, harder to sit with it. 
It sits so heavy on the heart. You would think it was a stone, but it's more like water. Water that seeps down into the ache and brings the tears up through your heart, through your throat and through your eyes.
It is a recognition of loss, an appreciation for what you had, a sorrow that isn't easily healed, grief.
For me it is most intense when I've lost someone I love. Especially if it seems so needless, so pointless, so empty. But some things aren't easily healed and so I sit with grief and try to feel it without it collapsing around me. 

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

We never lose what binds to our hearts. Unfortunately the world around can be too loud at times and we can no longer hear our own rhythm.