Wednesday, May 30, 2012

The Haves have not to fear

"Great civilizations collapse when the difference between the 'Haves' and the 'Have Nots' is too great."

"A Humans life is a struggle between ignorance and illumination"

"It's ignorance about money that causes so much greed and so much fear

-A doctor wanting more money to better care for his family raises his fees, which makes the poor people struggle because they don't have access to health care "poor people have worse health than those with more money," because the doctors raise their rates the attorney's raise their rates, because the attorneys rates have gone up school teachers want a raise, which raises our taxes and on and on and on. Soon there will be such a horrifying gap between the rich and the poor that chaos will break out and another great civilization will collapse. Great civilizations collapsed when the difference between the 'Haves' and the 'Have Nots' was too great. America is on the same course proving that history repeats itself because we don't learn from history, we only memorize historical dates and names, not the lesson. 'Aren't prices supposed to go up?' 'Not in an educated society with a well run government.' Prices should actually come down. Of course that's often only true in theory. Prices go up because of greed and fear caused by ignorance. If schools taught people about money, there would be more money and lower prices. But schools only focus on teaching people to work for money. Not how to harness moneys power.

~Robert Kiyosaki

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