Thursday, May 2, 2019

Some Advice

The advice I would give to my children at this point in my life is minimal. There are many things that they are going to find out on their own a lot of things come down to common sense. Perhaps I would warn them against any scheme that sounds to good to be true, no matter how enthusiastic the person trying to sell you on the idea is, it is worth being highly skeptical and keeping your money rather than giving away your money if you don't see the value of something clearly up front.

One piece of advice I wish I would have been told is to forgive yourself for the mistakes that you've made. You're not going to see the result of the decisions you've made for many years sometimes. If you think you've made a grave error do your best to remedy it and work towards your goals with determination. Don't let other peoples voices of doubt about you stop you from moving forward with making positive changes in your life.

Support others and envy them less. You don't know their story, you'll never guess the tricks that life will play on them or you. You might find  yourself feeling sorry for them at some point, resist this as well. Do your best to treat everyone you meet with respect and equanimity.

Treat the money that you earn with respect. Every hour of your time spent working should be respected. Don't waste your money on frivolous things, don't even waste it on what seems like important things at the time. Get the necessities of life, do spend money on trips and on helping to ease the burden of others, but don't worry about how you look in others eyes (materialistically speaking).

Respect the work that you do, even if it's not the work you would ideally be doing. Respect your situation in life and make the best of what you have. Not everyone will make a lot of money in their life and that's OK. Do what you can to be happy and live a good life with what you have.


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