Thursday, May 2, 2019

Trying to capture beauty...

Tomorrow I'm scheduled for surgery, it's a minor surgery for pelvic congestion syndrome. This has got me in a reflective mood. I want to write something beautiful, there's so much beauty in nature. When I look out of my sliding glass windows up into the mountains the green hills, the verdant leafs on the aspens and pines, I feel a certain sense of awe. The blue sky, the purple flowers of the lilac trees, the white and pink flowering trees. 

It's a hopeful feeling, it's a nostalgic feeling I want to capture the beauty within my heart. The majesty of the mountains dusky in the morning, the bright sun illuminating the clouds that hug the mountains in the sky.

But then how can I really capture beauty in the written form? It's limited, my perception is limited and the vibrancy of the colors are all after images in my eyes, after images stored in my minds eye. 

The particular feelings that I feel, I want to share with someone and somehow be closer to others through that shared sense of beauty.

and when someday my perceptions have failed I wish that the observations of my heart will live on...

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