Friday, September 4, 2009

A Better Post about Life

Hello out there!

Sorry for my neglect... I needed a break. I think this blog deserves a good word painting, so here you all are.


So beautiful, and terrible, embraced with passion each step that you take can lead you to the gift of fulfillment, joy, happiness, yet terrible misery as well.

Embraced, embraced, can we live another way?

Of course we can, drift, wander, a lost soul in the sea of humanity. A dream, unfulfilled dies away with neglect and we are reduced to apathy.

Yet life, life, life can throb, life can fill there can be a fullness of joy, bursting forth from our hearts as we shake off the shame of what we think is owed us, and create for ourselves beauty from the ashes.

Marvel at the fresh scent of a new spring day, the mountains solid, sturdy, verdant and strong. Stand in awe of Gods wonders, stand in awe of the elements. Accept that things don't always work the way that you want, people don't always agree, but they too are aching with thoughts of life, all deserve to live.




Hibiscus Moon said...

You look very pretty. :)

Strawberry Girl said...

Thank you HM, I hope you are well.


Adullamite said...

Doing anything tonight darlin?

Finding Pam said...

Annie, I love your hair cut and you look so beautiful.

Your post was beautifully written and aptly described. Just wonderful.

I hope you have a great Labor Day weekend.


Strawberry Girl said...

*Chuckle* Uh, thanks for the indirect complement Graham... ;)

Pam, thanks girl, I hope your weekend is a good one as well! :D

Mike Smith said...

That was a cutting remark from Adullamite...Looks braw SG!

Snowbrush said...

I read John's post and then your response without knowing what either of you were talking about. I thought I might figure it out if I came over here, but I still haven't a clue.

Julene said...

*shakes head* what would Samu say... ;)

Your hair looks great! That was a good thought provoking post, Annie! I hope things are going well for you and your family!

Strawberry Girl said...

Hi Mike, a cutting remark you say... well, Graham will be Graham now won't he? Thanks for the "Braw" remark, I think... ;D

Snowbrush, sorry we are both being so obtuse...

Julene, I'm not sure what Samu would say... Graham is an old duffer who lives in Scotland, cranky fellow, some day's he has to remind himself to be nice...

Things are complicated right now for me and my family. We're going through some revision. So glad to hear from you, love you my cousineth...

Mike Smith said...

Adullamite an old duffer!

That made me laugh! He's harmless really...

Michelle said...

6 foot 3 Annie.....I am 5 foot 4 too, so yeah, tall :)

Michelle said...

Oh, and your hair looks great!

Strawberry Girl said...

I've been wanting to tease Adullamite for a long time, glad it made you laugh... it makes me laugh. ;)

Michelle ((HUGS)) So glad to see you here. Thanks for the info and the compliment... funny but the picture doesn't really show off my haircut that well... but it's the best I've got... ah well.

Renee said...

Your hair looks awesome and you look beautiful.


1st Lady said...

So... THIS is where the boys hang out!!

CathM said...

Hey, Annie... you look great :)

Strawberry Girl said...

Love ya Renee!

Poetikat, I am so honored to have you as a new friend.

1st lady, nice to see you. :)

Cath, thank you so much. You are terrific!

Anonymous said...

What a beautiful girl! I don't think I've visited this blog before. (Or not for a long time, anyhow.) So nice to see your face and smile. You are radiance and will attract positive things to your new world.
