Saturday, December 12, 2009

Grumble, Grrr... Yawn

Hello world out there, this is a quick update to say that nothing is going according to plan, everything planned has been rescheduled until further notice and that new plans are in the process of being made...

Er, yeah, that's it right?

Why is it that even simple plans like going up to see my brother in SLC get sidetracked from one night to the next morning... yeah, that's how things go sometimes. I spent the night with an onrey grouchy critter, namely my 3 year old with a fever, going from one room to the next to lay down and sleep (getting drinks of water in-between). From my room, to A's room (yes I was in a delusional stupor good thing I didn't wake A up when I lied down on her bottom bunk with R), back to my room, down to the living room where I found myself early this morning snuggled up against 3 pillows, R ensconced by my side, the cat on top (in a particularly warm spot on my chest), and S at my feet at the other end of the couch.... well trying to slip out of that didn't work, I woke R up from trying to escape. So I brought her upstairs and we went to sleep again in my bed.

Needless to say, I feel like a lawn mower ran me over... as much as I wanted to go up to SLC I just couldn't Argh!! I'm so tired, can someone take over my life for a bit so that I can take a nap?

Anyway, good wishes to ya'll out there in the big ol' wide world.

What does it feel like to be happy and carefree? Oh yeah, even kids complain about life... so I guess I'll just have to fake it till I make it... :)


Sarah said...

Oh no! Hope all things improve soon and you get some rest!

Corrie Howe said...

Taking care of sick kids is hard! But remember, this too shall pass. Also, reaching out to ask for help from friends, neighbors and family might bring surprising results. I know I'd love to be able to help out with a meal or giving tired mom a nap.

Strawberry Girl said...

Thank you Sarah and Corrie, I really appreciate it. :)

Julene said...

Poor Annie! I know how it is to be up with a sick kid and to not get a nap, and I just have one! I could probably come over and let you take a nap some time, just let me know!

Strawberry Girl said...

Thanks Julene, that means a lot to me. :)