Saturday, August 18, 2018

Human Dilemma

I think that a great dilemma for human beings is that we want to have the closeness of relationships but find it difficult to intolerable to put up with other people, their foibles, their weaknesses, and all of the drama that comes into our lives from dealing with other people. Perhaps a big part of this problem stems from a great cycle of misunderstandings. Or of power plays, which preys on the weaknesses of others, the great struggle between the Haves and the Have Nots.

Some have won the gene lottery of life and have great looks and intelligence and also have had a good family to grow up in.

Then there are those of us who have struggled. Some have grown up with parents who know how to model appropriate behavior or we just didn't see it because there parents weren't there. There are some who have had the good parents but other misfortune has befallen them.

We miss the links that society used to hold to other people: Grandparents, parents, aunts and uncles, neighbors, it feels like we are all living such isolated lives. Society is beautiful and horrible.

Our civilization has degraded into ignorance our customs and manners have some somewhat been set aside and in other ways we've become nobler.

We declared as a people we want to be more tolerant understanding, kinder, but wishing doesn't make it so, effort on the part of many to change is the only way to get there.

maybe we need to revisit some of the niceties customs that we have set aside and embrace them especially and the spirit of showing respect to ourselves to our fellow human beings

My heart reaches out to all those who suffer from loneliness and despair, frustrating relationships, empty relationships, empty lives, if only we could find a way to love people without all of the  jealousy and insecurities and the potent sense of loss when things don't work out.

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