Monday, December 25, 2023

Christmas Thoughts 2023

In the development of a person's soul, there are certain requirements of honesty and vulnerability that need to be addressed if they want to create a sense of wholeness and integrity. Without this work, we are left to drift about with half intentions guiding us, pulling us this way and that. That is when or how we can be most destructive to others. If our mouths speak half-truths and our minds are not really on board with what we are saying, then we can lie against our own ideals to have integrity and to live among others in truth and honesty.

The problem comes when what we wish to be true and hope to do are at odds with what we truly do—reality. We might say that we would like to feed the poor, help the destitute, and yet when opportunities arise to do so, we decline because we are tired or for some other reason, we are all hypocritical I think.

In love, we might admire someone and wish to be with them. We might think of ourselves as trying not to hurt our lover by hiding our true intentions, by projecting an air of falseness about where the relationship stands. Saying something on the one hand and doing something else on the other is worse than false, more harmful, more faithless than honesty about what you really want and need.

I don't place blame on others or myself because I too have lived and projected a false self out of preservation of what I thought was good when I knew I would lose that when reality was revealed. I write these things out of a deep desire to heal my own soul, to be more transparent in my relationships with myself and with the world. This on a Christmas Evening, where the day has been spent well. My only disappointments have been in not being able to focus on getting my loved ones as many thoughtful gifts as I would have liked to get them. Also, remembering that this night, one year ago, I wrote a poem of joy, celebrating someone who had brought light into my life. That moment is past, but the spirit of discovery, the pursuit of happiness and wholeness still lives on.

Friday, November 24, 2023

Living My Life

I'm making this up as I go along. I see what others are doing and copy that, sometimes I do my own thing, but this really is mostly a phantasm of the reality that I live in. 

Sometimes I think that it's really important that I know all about healthy blood sugar levels and dig down deep into that and think that intermittent fasting is the way to live and it seems like that's right but then it becomes unnatural and I obsess and then all I think about is how I should be doing this thing that's supposed to make me healthy, when really just need to be mindful to a certain point and that's good enough. Sometimes I'm just hungry, I didn't have the time to plan things out and eat at a perfect time and be a perfect person.

That's OK

There's exercise as well, I should lift weights. That would help me reduce my risk of osteoporosis, which is high because it runs in the family and I already have osteopenia, but I over think it, I don't know which weights to lift, nor in which order or feel motivated enough to join a gym and have someone tell me what to do. So what do I do? I think I just need to do whatever I can with whatever I have. I'm not perfect, I don't have the perfect circumstances. 

I look at what I have and who I am and see that I have more of the same things that I've always had. I dive deep into what I like, more books, more thinking, more trying to make up for what I think I lack.

But I have what I need, it's all here, I have books and family, I have the Christmas decorations and games and whimsy. I don't need to have a themed anything, where my whole house is set up in the same type of color, where my kitchen cabinet's are white and there are perfect place settings on my immaculate kitchen table. That's all an illusion anyway, it's empty. What I need is to just be, to get what I like because I like it. To be who I am, to like who I like and spend time with people just because I like spending time with them. 

I wrap myself up in the idea of doing and forget about the idea of being, thus abandoning myself. I've done this to myself since I was little, because I had to grasp around for structure, trying to figure out what I WAS supposed to do with my time. 

I can let go of that now, I can let go of preconceived ideas about what I need to do and just do things, be who I am, love what I love and have fun with life. I can put together a perfect table setting if I feel like it, but it doesn't have to be perfect to enjoy it. I can get pillows for my couch to match my themed living room decorations if I want, or not. 

Because we are still playing, the ideas we get are just that, ideas. We can have fun with life, and do what we want to do, even as adults. Because as we take care of ourselves, doing our adult things, we can have fun as well. 

I can do all this, and not worry about it or what others think, and so can you.


Thursday, November 23, 2023

Becoming Myself

Sometimes it is hard to connect with my inner self. It's as if I have an existence where I am unsure of what I like and who I am. I am an observer, just wondering what I'm doing here, unmotivated to do anything other than lay in bed, aching.

I have to force myself to get up and wander around, pick things up and put them down, take a bath, stay there longer than a moment, just feeling the water soothe the ache. Stretch my muscles back and forth, and clean in-between my toes, critically eyeing the calluses on the bottoms of my feet and contemplating how to be rid of them.

Then I have to get ready, and while I'm doing that, I'm straightening the bed, dusting my bookshelf, and reacquainting myself with things that I've chosen to keep by my bedside.

Sometimes I wonder if I should just throw it all out and start again, gather up different things; perhaps that would make me a better, different person.

So, I decided to write myself down, to reconnect my brain with my body, my inner life with my outer life.

Now I've given you all a piece, a little glimpse of me, becoming myself again.

Wednesday, October 25, 2023

Giving it Your Best

Life is learning to embrace new ideas, gathering things that are appealing, making friends and experiencing a whole spectrum of joy and pain. 

Then it is learning to let go of certain ideas, discarding things that are no longer appealing and trying new things even when you feel caught up in stagnation and pain.

We set goals and sometimes we realize that even achievements have limitations towards our happiness. 
Sometimes we want more out of life than we have and live for tomorrow's that slip away once we reach them. 

We only have today, we love who we love, we achieve what we can and follow the path of foolishness when we dwell so much on the past or the future. 

Trying your best, giving it your all, or whatever you have left, is the reality of what it means to be human. 

Be as good a human as you can and lift yourself and others up.


Wednesday, October 18, 2023

Gathering Thoughts

I have felt this grief before; it is as poignant now as it was then. Perhaps all the little bits of grief we taste throughout our lives are meant to temper the soul, to prepare it for the bigger grief that we all must face as time and age take all that we love and all that we are.

It is important to learn to sit with grief, although I'm not sure if that phrasing is correct. I once described grief in a poem as a stone that sits in your soul or like water that bursts forth out of the deep wells of sadness that you feel when you go through loss.

Reflecting back on my last relationship, I realize something: I was able to be myself around him, which was marvelous, a true gift that bolstered my sense of self in many ways. Yet I was also stuck in one version of myself, not letting the other aspects of my personality shine.

When he broke things off, I started to grasp about, wondering what I did wrong. Did I bore him with the couple of subjects I had been going down the rabbit hole on? Did I overwhelm him with the mysterious illness that made me dizzy, tired, and feeling off? All I could do for a couple of months was say, "I'm feeling slightly better today but still dizzy," and feel just a little bit crazy.

I wondered if I had maintained my interest in photography and art, if I had shown him that I could rollerblade and gone on bike rides with him, maybe he would still want to be with me. Or I thought, "What if I change myself to be more interesting?" But then a realization came that I cannot do that; I can only be who and what I am, so I've been doubling down on that.

There is within me a place of rejuvenation that I use when overwhelmed. It requires uninterrupted time to access it, and since we've broken things off, I've been searching it out on my walks with Koru. I put my hand to my heart and let the feelings come; sometimes the tears come, and the deep sadness of loss overflows, and I sob. Sometimes I feel more peace; I let the knot of tension subside, and I allow myself to just feel whatever I need to feel. There is gratitude for what I had with him and an understanding of his situation. There is also sadness because I love him; we felt so good together, we were good together, and it's hard to reconcile that feeling with the knowledge that we are separated, apart, and all the hopes that I had for that relationship have to be buried in the little graveyard of hopes that lives silently in my soul.

Many dreams are buried there: relationships that didn't turn out, wishes that didn't come true, and nine little babies that were never born. It is a sacred place; I walk reverently through it on occasion, and most of my ghosts no longer hurt or haunt me. I have a feeling that the ghosts of my most recent buried hopes are going to haunt me for a while; they were beautiful and strong hopes. I miss them.

Sunday, October 15, 2023

Not There Yet

I didn't just wake up one day and become an ally, that is a work in progress. There is a lot of stuff that goes through my head that isn't accepting and supportive of marginalized groups. There is a lot of hatred and fear in my heart. I didn't intentionally put it there, but it comes out sometimes and a better part of me wonders where it comes from. I think it's there in all of us in various ways. It's a fear and mistrust of others, it's a monster that is fed when we don't question the quality of information coming into our heads, without or within. It is something we must be vigilant to fight against for our own sake and for the sake of the others around us. 


I have been hiding all of my life, observing but not commenting, and scared but not sure what to do about it. My strategy has been to hide so that I wouldn't have to defend myself, so that I wouldn't be attacked for what I said, or humiliated because of my ignorance. 

I have been afraid and defensive of my own weaknesses, I wanted to compete but I didn't want to lose, losing just seemed to prove how worthless I was. At least that's how I felt.

Was this societal indoctrination? Raised to be submissive, to not question authority, maybe it was. All I know is that I didn't want to stand out, to be the center of attention, to draw the disapproval of others towards me. It's still hard to break away from that tendency. It's easier to hide and live a life of quiet anonymity.

Yet I've always admired those who are bold, the people unafraid to show their flaws, the people standing up to bullies and telling them that it is not OK. 

I'm inspired by intelligent people, who lift people up, who are working to make a difference in the world, people who don't back down in the face of ignorance.

I'm envious of people who can just have fun with life, who see the bad but are also able to celebrate the good things in life. Those people that celebrate holiday's and the accomplishments of themselves as well as others.

I tend to fall into a trap of doing instead of being. Trying to organize life instead of living and enjoying life. There has to be a balance and balance isn't easy to find for me. There are all kinds of things I enjoy doing, writing, drawing, painting, photography, roller blading, hiking, walking, gardening and cooking among many others. But sometimes I am paralyzed by indecision, afraid and hyper fixate on cleaning the house or making a budget. I try to organize so that I'm not wasting money or time and in spite of that I quite often end up doing both. 

I am aware that I need to change, to be more brave. Hiding is a good strategy sometimes, it preserves me from being overwhelmed and burned out by the cruelty of the world, but hiding should be tempered with speaking up, too many of us are hiding.

Tuesday, August 15, 2023


There is a ball of hurt in my chest that is there despite having accomplished a lot of the big life goals I set out for myself, an education, a nice home, and a beautiful family. I still look out at the world as someone who needs to achieve something to be worthy of all the wonderful glittering experiences that I think I should be having. 

I feel a lack of, personality, worthiness, ability, and intelligence. I feel like these things are keeping me from having this idealized picture of friendship and competence. 

I want to retreat into a world of books and television and just be by myself because it's safe there. But my "by myself" time is actually quite full of remote work and adorable but needy dogs.

I feel like I need time to recharge my batteries by being left alone to think deeply and read but I so seldom get the chance to do that. Sometimes I think that a lot of these self-confidence issues and the stress in my life would dissolve if I could just spend time doing core activities like that.

For most of my life, I've felt like I needed to learn, I've had a great interest in many things, but in a way, I wasn't driven by what was most enjoyable to me but what I felt was a skill that I lacked.

I've spent a lot of time organizing my interests into a plan of action and trying to make progress on all of them at once. This doesn't work, I just get frustrated and give up. I need to focus on a single interest at a time and make progress toward it.

The task then becomes narrowing down what I want to work towards to that one thing.

I kind of like the idea of learning Python but also like the idea of learning a financial software called Anaplan. One would lead me down a path towards a coding career (possibly), the other further down the path of finance skills.

Then the trick is to do things I just naturally like; gardening, health, drawing, painting, and music putting time aside to do them without putting pressure on myself to do them.

At my company, they're all about automation and I have the skills to pull people together to work on things but I don't have the skills to do the automation. 

I'm a bit frustrated.

Sunday, June 18, 2023

Some reflection

 I am almost 44 years old! Reflecting back I acknowledge the struggles that I've faced, how I've grown, what makes me the person that I am today. I'm perfectly imperfect. 

My biggest periods of growth have come from accepting uncertainty and letting go of beliefs that were given to me that no longer fit. I'm emotionally, physically and mentally healthier because of this. 

The night before last night I got stuck at the bottom of the canyon to Ophir. I had gone down the road to call Matt and had kept the headlights on so that cars zooming down the canyon would realize I was there. Now I knew the battery could die if I did that, so I turned it on every once in a while and ran it. But I didn't want to keep running it so eventually I stopped turning it on. Well the inevitable happened and the battery died. So lesson learned. 

Now I could have just stayed there waiting for someone to pass by, but I felt strong enough to at least make a start on walking. At least if no one came by then I would get back to camp. 

It's a pretty safe area, not much wildlife to worry about, so I wasn't particularly scared. But I was a little intimidated by the distance since I had driven that road earlier and it took a lot longer than I thought it would to get to camp. 

I tried to take in the beauty of the night sky, I could see thousands of stars. I tried to appreciate that I wasn't particularly cold, even though the wind was whipping around me. I had a moment of awe as I looked down at the ground and saw the wind dancing through the light on my phone. I also saw a deer on the other side of the road. 

I couldn't help but cry a bit, sob actually as I walked. I felt so alone, a feeling I know well. I think we all know this feeling well. 

I let the sobs subside into calm and just kept walking. Then when I was almost back my son passed me on the road and gave me a ride the last bit of the way. 

I was less tired than I thought that I would be. Probably because I had been exercising a lot the past week on the long trip I was on with my cousins. In fact I'm proud of how healthy I feel, I'm not as sore and worn out as I would have been in past years, though I am still sore and worn out. 

I'm not immune to bouts of melancholy but they're fewer and last for only a short amount of time. My life has been good and I still have a lot if it left to live! 

Tuesday, January 10, 2023


More constant than other companions, a probe of deep feelings, of sadness and loss. Sharper than love, easier to recognize, grief.
It is easy to want it to end. Harder to accept it, harder to sit with it. 
It sits so heavy on the heart. You would think it was a stone, but it's more like water. Water that seeps down into the ache and brings the tears up through your heart, through your throat and through your eyes.
It is a recognition of loss, an appreciation for what you had, a sorrow that isn't easily healed, grief.
For me it is most intense when I've lost someone I love. Especially if it seems so needless, so pointless, so empty. But some things aren't easily healed and so I sit with grief and try to feel it without it collapsing around me.