Sunday, January 18, 2009

Poor, poor me. Boo hoo :0)

Well, I guess your wondering about the title. It goes like this, we are really poor right now, but ya know what? We still have too much stuff!! It is times like these that make me so grateful to be living in the USA. Hopefully, cross my fingers, I can get a job and get back to paying our bills. But as for now, I am just grateful for what I have. I am actually going to purge again tomorrow and get rid of stuff cluttering up my world and maybe I will get some inspiration on a quilt that I want to make. I have all the fabric, but with Christmas and all of the stress of last year I just didn't get around to it. Plus I want to do something besides squares!! I have a quilt on my bed that I want to copy, I think I will ask around to all those people who have been telling me they know how to quilt and get there help. It will be a fun adventure!!


(Please oh please let me get a job at Good Earth. I am kicking myself because I almost asked them when I was in there on Saturday!!)

1 comment:

Sonja said...

Good luck with the job hunting! If it doesn't work out at Good Earth, you might want to try Macey's. I started working at the one here a few months ago. I love it. They are super flexible, very nice and closed on Sundays. I only work a few nights a week and some Saturdays, but that extra money sure helps.

Hope it all works out for you!