Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Carry on, all is well

Well, yesterday was a bit crazy... got going a bit late, decided that I needed to get another Scoby (Kombucha mushroom... I left the last one in the fridge too long and I believe I killed it), plus I needed to get some milk since the kids made me make them vanilla pudding the night before and that used up 4 cups in one go.

So I called up my mom and she came to pick me up (unfortunately causing her to miss her nap, sorry mom) and I dropped her off at work then went up to "Real Foods" for some milk.

Now I love the name of that store "Real Foods" they did a survey several months ago proposing different names, but I voted for "Real Foods" because that is what they sell, real food and not an ounce of artificial crap.

I bought some milk and some "Green" red tea... which is essentially Roobios tea that they haven't dried out in the sun. Then I stopped off over at "Good Earth" (yes, yes another favorite of mine) in search of some of my favorite basil pesto... unfortunately they have been out of the good stuff and were offering up two paltry substitutions instead. I read the label for both of them and picked (then regretted even trying later as it tasted odd... too much parmesan). Then bought a couple of other things and headed home.

Once home I got caught up trying to apply for three different openings up at the school (geez I've just realized that I've got to stop sitting cross legged on this hard chair... I'm getting pressure spots on my ankles!!) anyhow, I applied for several jobs then had to run up to get my mom since she was finished at work. Oh yeah, I lugged out several bags of things that I wanted to bring out to the thrift shop... hmmm, didn't tell her about those... better do it before she calls me up to complain, hehe...

Ah, anyhow, she dropped me off at Kohl's one of my favorite department stores and I found some nice knit sweaters, a purse and some ahem, unmentionables... then went to check out. So the guy at the register asked if I would like to sign up for a Kohl's charge account, I normally avoid signing up for these as it affects your credit, but I like Kohl's and they send out a lot of coupons and offers so I figured I would take advantage of the 20% off (plus $10 dollars above that) to lessen the hit on my finances that the sweaters and etc were taking out on me. So in the process of signing up for the account some sort of glitch happened with the computer and just to compensate me for my patience the guy decided to give me an extra discount... plus he noticed that I had grabbed an employment form so he mentioned the hiring managers name and gave me her number as well as his name as a reference... so that was weird. I got about $45 dollars off and a reference, well, what do you know? (Sort of makes up for having to walk home in the rain... ah well, it was only a sprinkle and the mountians looked fantastic... wished that I had had my camera).

I am wondering if I should apply though... yes I have been out of work, yes I need a job, but there are the three other jobs that I am applying for at the school. If I did get a job up at the school that could eventually lead to being able to finance the Masters degree that I want to take as they have a fund set up for full-time employees. Only one of the jobs offered though is a full time position... hmmm... anyhow this thing up at Kohl's could be immediate work, where as the other jobs, well I'm not sure when I would start with them (if they even give me a call back... I've just been getting form rejection letters lately from the school, grrr).

Anyhow, rambled enough here

heh, just trying to get back into the swing of things... I will stop by and visit your blogs soon

hope all is well


(Never did get the Scoby did I, ah well... I should ask my friend if she has one anyway... save some money)


Anonymous said...

ty for taking us on your eventful day, so nice and a different read. I wish you all the best in whatever you decide to do. Sometimes things happen for a reason. The last job I had part time was one of thos happen chance ones. Our kids attended the same school, we were in the parking lot waiting for the kids to come out after the school day. We had not really met in person, just knew one another from school meetings with our kids, yadda yadda yadda,. she looked exhausted and I mentioned , you must be busy, she offered me a job, I knew nothing much about, and it started from there. It worked out great as it i could basically make my own hours, it was when the kids were in school, and I could take the time off needed when I had dance competitions to attend with daughter. I worked there over 15 years, until last year. In the meantime I also worked at the school. GOOD luck and hope all works out..

Adullamite said...

I would suggest the store job could wait until you hear from the school. The store job may be for Xmas and there will be a few will there not?

Hope you get something good!