Monday, October 12, 2009


Well, things are getting easier

WHAT? Did I just say that?

Yeah, things are not specifically easy. Every day I have to handle some new situation, sometimes times seems an endless procession of sameness and sometimes it seems to be speeding ahead gradually shifting things about until they are barely recognizable.

As I was walking home the other day I was thinking along these same lines. The earth shifts and moves constantly in motion, yet seemingly the same. Little shifts, pressures that build up and then unexpectedly burst forth into earthquakes, eruptions and even continental shifts.

That is what pressure does, exert force.

Force itself is an amazing concept. If used in a relational context you could say that trying to "force" someone to do something creates a lot of negative energy.

Opposing forces build pressure, pressure builds into an explosion... unless diffused in some way.

So, for instance, with my two year old, we often have um... disagreements over whether or not she should take a nap. I have tried holding her down and "forcing" her to do it, this builds pressure, anger... it is a palatable thing. Thus often I will diffuse the situation by distraction, for instance, bringing her downstairs to watch a movie. Often just leaving the room and walking with her diffuses the situation and she usually will fall asleep on my lap somewhere else.

Force, can we really force someone to change? Well, can we really?

Change has to come from some inner resolution, from the resolve of the person who needs to change. We can suggest and direct, but really we cannot force. Even gradually a forced change can often be a weak thing because it has not come from the path that the person had chosen for themselves.

Thus, to progress, it is up to each of us to make the changes necessary. Ah, I have often thought "if only my parents made me practice the piano" (or something like that) I would be able to play now... Really? Well maybe, but at some point I believe I would have had to embrace it to really learn. That is life isn't it?


Adullamite said...

Forcing kids to sleep doesn't work.
Your idea of letting them sleep by distraction does.

Forcing folk to do anything is difficult. Which reminds me, I must get more ammo for my shotgun before I go to the shop!

Anonymous said...

like the new look.. pretty in pink.. lol

I tried forcing my son to eat carrots, he loved them when he was like 1-4, then I thought he was just being testy, so I would make him eat them evry night for 5 days until he tossed them up right on the table.

Today my son has never forgotten this and reminds me in a funny way about it, yet I feel horrible each time he tells it, and I asked him to please not remind me , it was a time I look back now and shake my head at, why DID I do that, you should not force people to do things they do not want to do!!.

I know their are times we need to try and make one change, it does not always work, but then I think I feel better knowing I tried.. Raising children is always a challenge, and as they get older , I think it's harder because I feel I cannot protect them as much. But it is such pleasure in watching them become indepentant, ENJOY IT.!!
The hardest challenge is to be yourself in a world where everyone is trying to make you be somebody else. E.E. Cummings.