Thursday, October 29, 2009

Job Hunting, in acceleration

I am here folks

I feel as though I am slowly coming out of a shell. My true self, has been hiding behind the mistakes that I've made in the past. The tendancy there was to analyze everything, repeatedly, not letting go but reviewing again what I have done wrong... not good. I suppose that the fact that I was hanging on to something that wasn't working was part of the problem. It just wasn't working, I would think and rethink things and never got anywhere because I wasn't letting go of what was not working and moving ahead.

I am moving ahead now. I had an interview on Monday, didn't get the job, but I did well in the interview so I am taking a positive aspect from it, learning from the mistakes that I made and continuing to apply to the other jobs that are available.

Tomorrow I'm going to call up my mom and see if she will teach me the operating system up at the school, that's one factor that will give me a big leg up against anyone else that applies there at the school. She's trained many people in fact so why not me?

So that is the course of action for tomorrow, give mum a call. Go up to the school, have her show me the system... plus I'm going to look up some of my teachers and have them write letters of recommendation for me. I don't know why I haven't in the past.

Anyhow, I hope things are going well for all of you. Thank you all for the support


Corrie Howe said...

Sounds like you are moving forward. Good luck on interviewing and learning the operating system.

EcoGrrl said...

I'm so proud of you! It's a lot to take on but so worth it when you look back and see what you've done to promote your own happiness, which will in turn positively affect your kids. Life has given us some pretty crazy twists and turns hasn't it?

Strawberry Girl said...

Thanks Corrie and "Moi" (nice girl). Just called mum, she can't show me the system but recommended that I become familiar with the student side of it called UVlink. So that's the deal, I can do that from home. I'm going to apply to another job in the same department that I interviewed for, inside info is that they were thinking of me for this job... so I will keep my fingers crossed. :)

Adullamite said...

'Data protection act' (or similar) will not allow you to use the PCs there I suppose.
Sounds like a good interview.
The pic looks good too.