Saturday, July 23, 2016

Thoughts on Politics

When I learned about the history of Hitler and his rise to power, I asked the question "why didn't the German people stop him?" 

We've heard that he was charismatic, that the German people had gone through hard times. He came into power with this Anti-Semitic rhetoric and that was a focus for all of the frustration that people had felt. 

I said to myself, I would not be one of those people standing in the streets with my hand raised to the sky praising Hitler. 

Now, I'm not saying that I can predict how I might have acted if I had grown up in the circumstances that the German people did. All I can say is that now, right now I can choose to not follow along the party line. I know all about the futility of voting for a third party candidate, that doing so might take votes away from the lesser of two evils, but in this election there is no lesser of two evils. Both of the candidates are what I consider to be the vilest of scum that was dragged up from the bottoms of pond. 

So I am voting for a third party canidate, Gary Johnson. Who is this guy, you know what I don't know a whole ton about him, but from what I have seen on the internet about him he is a decent guy, that is who I want in the White House.


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