SO I decided to show you a slide show of the "Provo River Parkway Trail..." (a public path that many people use to get around without a car) I went on a really long walk to show you a portion of it... (If I turned around and went the other way it would go up into the mountains. Another walk for another day) :D
Here's a few pictures (To tempt you to watch the slide show) ;p

I know one of the "gang" is going to hog tie me to a tree for this, but... I just couldn't help myself. (Sorry, sorry that this slide show is so long, I am begging on one knee for an appeasement). ;p
I also uploaded these pictures to Photobucket... which took forever. But I made comments on almost all of them. The last part of my walk was the most surprising, as I hadn't been down there in a long time. They made a new road somehow going into a previously enclosed parking lot to Paul Reams park... of which I passed up then came back to (where I used to hang out with my brother). Another neat part of the walk is where you can look up from beneath into the railway ties. The baseball diamond at the end is part of the Fort Utah commemorative park and the Tongan Rugby practice field is there as well as a skate park. What looks like a grave stone in part of it is actually a marker stone for Fort Utah.
I hope you enjoy!!
I am laughing and loving your post. It may take me all day to get through all of it, however! You certainly win the prize for most comprehensive photography of a long walk ever! What a herculean effort you've put into this! I would never ever hogtie you to a tree! (Although Bagman is, of course, grinning slyly and remaining appropriately silent). I am actually amazed at how much I like your post -- the whole being greater than the sum of its parts -- the total vision goes beyond the individual shots. Very very cool.
While I for one would love to be there to see you hog tied to a tree, I could vote for it because I loved the slide show. We even get a peek at the mountains!
The river looks like its running very high.
what a beautiful walk through your town! Awesome post. I am a country gal at heart and love the beauty and wonder of nature.
That looks like a really cool route to walk.
There are places in my part of the UK that are much easier to explore if you have a car...
and when I was in the US last year, I was in places that I felt you'd be kind of lost in if you didn't have a car...
which is a shame. I'm all for boosting public transport (and making it look cuddly so that you want to put pics of the buses up on your blog).
Any slide show with Y Mountain in it has to be terrific. Thanks for the memories.
The long walk was great to put in slide show! I'll have to come back to it later!
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