I've actually been searching for a GF pancake recipe (I have one listed for GF Pumpkin Pancakes) so today Sione wanted me to make pancakes and I usually throw them together, not even looking at the recipe.
I got everything in the bowl, except the pumpkin. Then mixed it up, it was runny... so I thought "what if I threw in some apple fiber?" So I threw in a couple tablespoons of that. Then I thought "what about some ground chia seed?" (So nutritious) so I threw about a half cup in the Vita-Mix, ground them up, and threw them into the bowl. (Love my Vita-Mix, took a bit of convincing Sam to get it though).
The mixture had started bubbling up from the baking powder. I mixed that all together and poured a runny bit on the pan, as I ran to grab some pumpkin (which is so nutritious that I hate to leave it out) then I grabed a bit more rice flour and another tsp. of baking powder (reasoning that the other had started to go flat) and a tbsp. of succanat (raw brown sugar, which I usually put in pumpkin pancakes).
Then I got out the mixer again and mixed it all up... taking off the first experimental pancake (a pancake without pumpkin, which Angie hates... thus the search for a better pancake recipe).
My little messed up pancake, turned out to be very, very yummy!! So now Angie can have homemade pancakes again!! and highly nutritious ones at that. :D
Plus the other pancakes turned out great as well... so I did a few chocolate chip and then threw some cut up strawberries in another batch (could I help myself?)
Everything was super yummy today. :D
Here's a picture of GF Strawberry Pancakes (I will post the recipe on my other blog)

And here's a few pictures of Roxie with her "loot" from the doctors.

That is one very cute child :)
Pancakes look yummy too!
I love pancakes! They sound yummy-licious. I just love the way fruit looks in pancakes.
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