A general update I want to spend some time reading about marketing certain things like writing and my own personal interest gluten free mixes that form a really good bread, and pancakes I have a really excellent recipe for both.
Plus I want to study herbs, Spanish and HTML coding.
I found a solution to a problem that I was having with trying to compost (or at least I hope its a solution) We had a large round flower container thing out front that I have rolled around to the back kitchen window. Now I can throw the scraps out the window without having them stuck there on the ground attracting ants and other pests. I need to mix it up with dirt and some grass clippings as well.
Plus "Space Bags," yes you to can organize your life for only $19.95 (plus shipping and handling). They are my salvation, wahoo!! I have managed to condense almost everything that has been cluttering up my closet, now the goal, vacuum everything!! ;p
Hmmm, it's like a gigantic vacuum has come into my life sucking out all this old cluttery stuff and after the general house cleaning (both literally and figuratively).
It is exciting, a terrific opportunity to fill up my home with things that I like!!
The bed that I threw out has been a drag to me, we bought it several years ago at a yard sale. There never was a head board, the mattress was uncomfortable, it was a big bulky boxy bed (can I fit more b's in this sentence? ;p).
So now, though I have to be patient, I can wait to make a decision on a new bed. I have one that I sort of like up at IKEA, just have to give it some time and I know I will either get that one or find one at a yard sale.
I don't have a whole lot of crafty decorations around the house either, and with the walls washed and floors vacuumed (hopefully carpet cleaned, but I have to wait a bit for that also) I can put a bit more spirit into decorating my home.
I never realized how stuck I have been feeling with all of that stuff!!
Opportunities abound, if you look for them. :D
i agree, isn't cleaning out things, especially after a rough season, a wondrous event?
a former roommate left her almost-new ikea bed & mattress here and i LOVE it - a guest bed now but may soon come upstairs to my room as my own is dying :)
Feels like a 'spring clean' of sorts... allowing those 'opportunities to abound'... except it is happening in Feb. Remain blessed!
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