Thursday, July 30, 2009

Different Path

There are some things you know, without a lot of thought and I knew that I wouldn't get the job I applied for on Tuesday, Ryan called to tell me what I already knew.

The sticky part of this job was that it was so close to my mom's office that she wanted to stay out of it to avoid being pushy (because she has had the experience of pushy co-workers herself and didn't want to join their ranks).

So on some of the questions the answer that I gave sounded odd, they asked me how familiar I was with the admissions policies of the school. I told them that I had been familiar with the admissions policies ever since I was a little girl and that sounds odd unless you fill in the blanks that my mom has worked there ever since I was about four or five and I used to sit at her window and help the students when no one was paying attention.

So yes I am familiar with admissions, I am familiar with all of the changes that the admissions department has gone through as well, policies and procedures.

Plus I went to the school for ten years! That too sounds odd unless you consider that I started going to UVCC (Community College) in 1996 at the age of 16, took a few classes here or there over the years while in high school. I was there when they became UVSC (State College) received my degree in Behavioral Science then went on while they were in the process of becoming a University to get my degree in Accounting. So not really odd at all... (its not like I was drifting about in an unfocused manner like some people do).

One of the things that my Mom brings up is that I am too qualified for the position, they know I would leave. Ryan told me I interviewed well, (though I know the questions that I botched). The job would have driven me crazy, sitting there processing things all day and not thinking (you all know I am thinking all of the time).

So I will keep applying, there are other offices that are not quite as close to my moms where the situation will be different. Until then, I am keeping busy, as usual. ;D



Barry said...

All things come to those who--keep searching for the right position!

It's out there, waiting for you. Somewhere.

Mike Smith said...

Sorry to hear that SG. But Barry's right - you have so much talent and so much to give, the right job won't be far off.

Adullamite said...

This is their loss!