Saturday, July 18, 2009

Flitting Thoughts

Sometimes I get the feeling that there is something out there, pure beautiful thought that I would like to dwell upon but I have crowded so much into my life, into my time that I am overlooking the sweet nectar of knowledge.

Really I would enjoy browsing around in the library, finding something that caught my interest and then sitting down right there to devour the words. I need things that make me think.

But then, being a mom and all kind of disrupts that plan.

I am not really the cloistered librarian type with the funky glasses and shy ways. Nope, I would also die of starvation if I couldn't speak to and communicate with a bunch of people.

Yet I did work in the library once upon a time. When I was about 13 or 14 I worked in the library at my junior high school, that was heavenly for me!! The smell of books and paper, the solitary moments sorting and shelving books, the freedom to explore the books. Yes my inner nerd shone brightly at the time. ;D

I'm trying to learn though how to choose just one book to devour at a time so that my attention is not constantly flitting from one thing to another (as it has been lately). So currently I have only four or five books that I am attempting to read but not getting very far on. ;p

Yes, I must give up a few and focus, because I need to think, and this flitting thing is just not doing it for me.




EcoGrrl said...

i know what you mean - i'm reading two books now and it's taking way longer to get through everything!

you would so love powell's out here - it's a great bookstore to just wander for hours and drop to the floor randomly and read read read...

Gordon said...

I know your feelings completely. If only we could have one day a week to ourselves, with no distractions, or responsibilities. Even the busiiest of us needs that occassionally.
Pure thought goes beyond someone elses thoughts or writings. I guess the purest of thought would come as we improve our communications with God. He, alone, can take us beyond what we think we are capable of.