Monday, July 6, 2009

Silly me, I thought I could catch a star...

I am up late... why yes it is 1 am over here. What am I doing? I am sitting around trying to corral all my ambitions into some workable order. Why in the world do I want to do so much stuff? I have no idea, but I do, then I don't do anything... because I have so much to do.

So I am up contemplating the universe and all the varigated stars, trying to choose the best ones from among them.


(Oh, and I will get the pictures, which I think are super cool, up a bit later on this week) :D


Rachel Cotterill said...

I don't think there's anything wrong with having lots of goals and dreams. Reach for those stars - just make sure you'll enjoy the process whether or not you succeed at everything :)

Adullamite said...

Tsk! Girl the stars are looking down at you and wishing they could shine as well as you do!

Ghost Dansing said...

i like the ten feet tall song by XTC that is on your jukebox.... here are some kids chasing fleet foxes....

Strawberry Girl said...

These girls are so cool, thanks for the link!!



Strawberry Girl said...

Thanks Rachel, I guess I was poking fun at myself for staying up late trying to get myself organised so I don't putter around all day.

Graham, thanks! *Grin* You were getting quite poetic in your recent post, loved the descriptions! (You must be a writer) ;D