Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Thoughts on Government

*I posted this back in March, but got a dead response... I'll try again. ;D

Note: If you don't believe in open minded, open ended thoughts and discussions please don't send me hate mail and keep it to yourself.

There is a speech given by a Jonathan Krohn, that has been circulating around on the internet, this kid is impressive and he absolutely captures something that I feel deeply, though I didn't know what name to give it. He defines conservatism as "Respect for the Constitution, Respect for Life, Less Government, and Personal Responsibility."

I believe this to be ideologically true. If we all took personal responsibility, respected our bodies, what we ate and whether or not we exercised. Where we were all able to have opportunities to learn, where we have good role models that guide us to do good things with our lives. Where we all have sound minds, opportunities to work and freedom from oppression. This ideology truly resonates with me. The role of government then is to allow us these opportunities. In this world, there are people who take advantage of other people, it is as simple as that. We have behemoth banks, corporations, and individuals who have all of the wealth. As much as I agree with conservative ideology, I have to say that the way things have been structured allow exploitation and I wish it were not so. I really hate the government expansionism that has been occurring, I don't think that it is a good solution for the world ills. I know there is a better way. Yes, personal responsibility, less government, respect for life and the constitution. Also protection from exploitation, and some type of forum of responsible citizens that are set to task to come up with solutions. I see both sides of the argument, and I don't think that they are irreconcilable.


Mike Smith said...

For me personally, less government from London - more power to the Scottish government. Viva Independence!

Adullamite said...

Without government control you have anarchy!
Personal responsibility is ignored by personal gain! Me first, and the strong bullying the weak. The weak go to the wall without strong government.