Thursday, July 23, 2009

Kids, Kitties, and Job Interview

Today has been extremely HOT!! I didn't get out to run, I have been hiding inside! ;D

I did however get up to the stores to do a little bit of grocery shopping. The deal though is that our A/C in the car is a bit fritzy, so today it decided not to work! So I did my shopping in turns, went to one store for the produce, then dropped it off at moms (to keep it cool) then up to another store to buy Raw milk and check on the price of their eggs (they had a ton of eggs but didn't have them on sale, they are farm fresh and all but $6.00 for a carton of eggs is ridiculous. Even on sale they have them buy 2 get 1 free. So I just bought the semi acceptable eggs today...)
I dropped off the milk at moms then headed back over to Good Earth for some butter and eggs (the butter comes from Ireland, it's the only stuff that has a bit of color to it so that's why I get it).

Then I got my stuff from mom's and headed on home. The kids asked to go to the store when I got there. They had cleaned up (kind of) and felt they were entitled. So I had them wash the dishes in the sink which were covered in cake batter goo (K is ingenious, he makes up miniature cakes and bakes them in tuna cans in the toaster oven!)

After they had finished I let them go, get em' off my hands anyway, yet they didn't want to bring R (because they would have to walk in the hot sun with her in the stroller, she can be a pain). So they began their ditch R routine which includes lolling about watching television being as nonchalant as they can. Then when she is distracted they sneak out the door. Today they were lucky, she had to go potty at just the right time. I found her upstairs squatting and happily chattering about her accomplishments. ;D

One thing that I have not been blogging much about is how hard things are right now, we are just paddling water until some work comes in. I have sent out applications, with a renewed push because there is work up at the school but I haven't really wanted to leave the kids during the summer (and R was not potty trained earlier in the year), so just in these past few weeks have I pushed at all.

So after the kids left I got a call from someone at the school, they are going to interview me on Tuesday!! Yippee, hurrah!! It felt like the end to a long drought, to hear a call for an interview. (Yeah but I haven't been trying right, well, I've had lots of stuff to sort through).

So I've gotta brush up on my interview skills, lucky for me my mom works at the school (different department, but she does have the down low on the type of questions they ask). I need to get on their web site and do some looking around because the job would be dealing with on-line applications and such (helping the students). This is a part-time job, and there are a few more that I have applied to (including one that would be really, really good. It is full time and pays better, I spent a lot of time filling out their application, answering the questions). I will take what I can get right now though, unemployment "benefits" really suck!

So jeez' this is probably one of the longest posts that I've done in a while. I want to try out the recording feature on my digital camera to see if I can get some cute pictures of the bitty kittens, we'll see how that goes. Still shots just aren't as cute, they are all so black and squishy looking!

Mommy kitty was entertaining last night, we tried to get her to move to the downstairs closet (out of K's room) but she seemed to want to stay there, just sat at K's door looking confused after we had moved the kitties down stairs. Then she decided in the middle of the night that she preferred the downstairs closet and started moving the meowing critters down, woke everybody up!! So now she's happy down in the closet, just wish she'd make up her mind and all! ;D

That's it for today! Oi'

I'm going to go sit under the swamp cooler...


EcoGrrl said...

congratulations!!! let me know what happens!

NanU said...

Good luck with the interview - I hope you get the job you want!

Unknown said...

Good luck with the interview. I hope it goes well and you get the job!

Strawberry Girl said...

Thank you all, I'm excited!

Mike Smith said...

Good luck for Tuesday, SG. Not that you'll need it - you'll wow 'em!

Adullamite said...

Don't bully a cat, it will never work!
The interview sounds good, just be yourself, how can you then fail?

Strawberry Girl said...

Thanks Mike and Addulamite! Very engouraging! ;D