Sunday, July 12, 2009

Just a quick how do, to ya all!!

We can feel so lost sometimes, I get lost when trying to do too many things at once. When I do that, I end up standing around indecisive until my entire day is gone, Oi'

I've gotta get more organized, I literally want to do so much that I get stuck on where to begin. Plus it's hard for me to prioritize I usually end up intensely working on one area, letting everything else slide until I get what it is I want to do, then coming up for air and jumping into another intense project. Except I told myself I wasn't going to do that anymore, try to be more rational, so I have just been puttering around not getting anything done. Except cleaning, I did get some cleaning done over the weekend!! It was driving me crazy, the house gets progressively worse until I can't stand it anymore then I like to throw everyone out and clean until I regain some sanity.

Usually at these moments I walk around the house cleaning and singing my heart out, both very therapeutic occupations. That or I listen to music, run up and down the stairs carrying stuff from room to room, and dance at certain intervals just to break things up. ;D

Speaking of singing, I've really enjoyed singing a beautiful patriotic piece with our ward choir, "This is a choice land." It allows me the chance to belt it out without everyone in the house wondering about my sanity.

Next week is going to be a bit sad because my oldest son is going with the scouts on a 30 mile hike and is going to be gone all week. *Pout* I love that little fellow!!

Anyhow, I am off, got so much to do and so little time... perhaps I can convince myself that it is not entirely necessary to read a book on the history of the world, but then again, it could always mean more interesting things to write about!


(Oh and the title of this post was influenced by the western movie going on in the background)

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