Friday, July 17, 2009

Update & No Shoot Out this Week

Howdy out there in blog world. Unfortunantly I was too late in figuring out the theme for this week which was "Lawn Ornaments" or something like that (and I wont even make an attempt at finding anything off hand to fit that, because I really have nothing in that category). So sorry about that... I will try and find out sooner for next week (anyone want to give me a heads up?) ;D

As for how things are going in my life, well, they are stuck in the land of the langoliers (refering to Stephen Kings book/movie). It feels as though these little creatures are coming through and eating up my old life and pushing me on towards a new life but there is some ambiguity there on what exactly my new life is going to be. I am still applying for jobs, in fact there are four job openings up at the school (UVU, where I graduated) that my mom wants me to apply for (she's worked at the school for 25+ years now). I already applied for 1 job, and now must get busy with the rest of them.

As for some fun stuff, we played Scrabble last night as a family, yeah!! It was so good for the kids, my little fellow and hula girl were both able to get some learning in. One good thing is that it asks you to add up the tiles then double or triple that (when you place tiles on those spots) so hula girl got some math in and little fellow got some reading and word thought in. Which is really good, I think we'll play Scrabble a lot.

Plus my Bear came home from scout camp last night. It was kind of odd because at 11:30 or so we heard a knock on the door and we were thinking, "what the heck?" Hubby ran around and peered out the window and we kept him waiting, he kept knocking. Then hubby answered the door and in comes my Bear carrying his big old back pack, browner than ever, he looked just like his daddy.

He came in and put his bag down, then went to clean up (after quite a few hugs since he's been gone since Monday). I asked him if he had fun and he kind of laughed "NO!" It was a 30 mile hike so I don't rightly blame him, we made him go figuring it would be good for him so I hope it was. ;D

Well that's my update, oh and my friend Kalisi didn't even make it past the first line of judges, so she's disappointed, but I love her anyway. She somehow makes you feel as though you've been her best friend for years she's that cool.

Now I am off to do my hiking up the hill to Orem for exercise. Hope you all have a nice day. ;D


Bagman and Butler said...

Quite a wonderful yard object, knocking at your door at almost midnight...your word picture is quite an acceptible entry...

GingerV said...

I'm with Mark - one phot is worth 1000 words and vice versa - if the words are good don't need photos.

Unknown said...

great post!

Sarah Lulu said...

Hello there week the topic is
