Saturday, July 25, 2009


Today I am reflecting on what has happened over the past year or so that I have been blogging.

I originally thought that it was the way to keep in touch with your family by putting updates and pictures up. I didn't think it was worth much attention or time.

So it has been a surprise to find so much more here than the obvious, namely the transformation of thought that I have gone through from speaking with people from many different cultures.

What I was going through when I started was a lot of insecurity about who I was, setting up a blog forced me to define who I was. To choose what I liked, to write out my thoughts, to see how people reacted and what they wrote about.

Now I have goals, and direction. It is worth a lot, I am grateful, for the changes, and for the friends. What a beautiful force of fate!


Finding Pam said...

I throughly enjoyed this post. I am grateful that you are such a sweet blogger friend and that you have accomplished so many great things in your life.

Is this your blogaversary? Hope you had a nice one.


Mike Smith said...

I too am grateful - grateful I can read your blog. Your writing is inspiring.

The Pink Birdhouse said...

THAT is so beautifully written, that I am sitting here nodding my head in agreement the whole time tghat I am reading!! So aptly put, and oh so true. I too found that blogging was so MUCH more then I had ever expecte it to be, and the friendships that I have found here are worth their weight in gold! It is a fabulous place to be, blogland, and I too am grateful to be a part of it. NICE post. Debby

Strawberry Girl said...

Thank you Pam, not quite my Blogaversary. I was just thinking about how far I've come.

Mike, your writing inspires me as well. Plus I am so glad when I come to your blog and find quotes and quips that make me laugh!! Always appreciated. ;D

Debby, thank you so much for stopping by, I need to come visit your place a bit more. ;D

Strawberry Girl said...

(Oh and Pam... I like your new profile pic. ;D)

EcoGrrl said...

it has been so wonderful getting to know you through your blog and our other communications. I started my blog to deal with the chaos in my head as I prepared for my father's death and found a network of supportive, interesting, unique individuals here. Yay!

Unknown said...

excellent post! we all have so much to learn about ourselves and others!