Monday, July 27, 2009

Now on to my goals...

I have been goal setting again (again you might ask?) yes again... I always seem to be trying to set and keep goals.

The process goes like this, I write everything that I want to accomplish out, then I take this list and try to divide up my time in order to work on my goals. I schedule everything out, drive myself bananas then give up.

So this time I am taking a saner approach to it all. I've written everything out, then identified what is most important to me and that is what I will focus on. I tried to schedule no more than 3 hrs. everyday for working on goals, I will be lucky if I actually get 1 hour each day. Yet now that I know where I am going I think that little bits of work on the goals will get me to where I want to go.

So here are the main goals;

Learn how to write well, study grammar and spelling, learn Tongan (then perhaps another language), learn how to draw and paint well, how to take great photo's, how to play the piano and guitar. Then there are a bunch of things I am interested in so I just made a list of those to work on when I can...

Yes, yes I know this is all so interesting and all. Yet it helps to make it public that I am working on goals, it might just be the extra incentive that I need to actually do it.

So I was able to get on our keyboard (we have a piano but it is out of tune) and play around a bit (5 min.) before R came to take over.

So I've gone upstairs to try practicing the guitar (that I have had since I was about 14 or 15). I have tried exploring the book that my dad used to teach himself, yet didn't focus on it so I didn't get very far. I have a print out of chords that I got from girls camp oh so long ago and from which I actually did practice from then.

The only thing that I really hate about trying to learn the guitar is how my fingers hurt, became numb, and I never practiced consistently enough to develop calluses so that I suppose is the reasoning behind my failure at it. Though there are other reasons (excuses) being that I have four kids, I was in school and/or work (at one point). I'm gonna go pick it up again (after I distract R and get her off of my lap) ;D

So ya' here are my goals, I have tons of interests as well but I can't focus on too much.

(Ah, and now R is singing, maybe I should just make a goal to learn a bunch of kids songs and sing along with her... Her songs usually go like this, hmm, hm,hm, g,g,g, ga ga ga and then she can get really enthusiastic and start dancing and drumming as well!)


Mike Smith said...

Ach, SG, lassie ye dae write well!

Strawberry Girl said...

Thanks Mike (I would attempt a Scottish accent, but... well why not?)

Thanks to ye laddie, but I dinna think that I be good enough yet. (Well that's as close to a Scottish accent as I can get... must go look it up, maybe I canna, speak wi' ye' then) ;D

GingerV said...

Now don't go being one of those mothers that have all these dreams that try to make their daughters accomplish the same things so they can feel like they accomplished - your baby girl will have her own dreams - maybe you can combine and make gains, like as far as I am concerned you right well (course I ignore puncutation always have) but right a journal of your babies growth / and yours too / then when she is bigger you can write a book.... and let the editor add the punctuation...

Strawberry Girl said...

No, no dear me! What I meant is that I should learn some kids songs to make life fun, not that I should force my kids to learn songs. I have four kids, I know they each have their own dreams I don't try to push mine onto them. I just work on my own goals and help them do what they want to do. Of course that does mean little nudges now and then to get them to keep going. Like my oldest daughter, she liked Hula but didn't want to put any effort into it. So I nudged her a bit and kept her going to class (with cool teachers and her friends) and now she loves it! She has surprised me with how poised and dedicated she can be to her dance. Plus she took on clogging on her own (because her friend wanted to do it) and she does really well. My other kidlets have their own ideas, my oldest wants to be a writer as well, I in no way pushed him to it. He decided, I thought he would do well as a computer programer or the like. I think there is a balance, but I also think parents need to push a little or else kids will take the path of least resistance and accomplish nothing. We told them that they can do whatever they want to do, but that they need to start to make goals and work on them. It's good for em'


Adullamite said...

Dinna be scunnered wi goals hen.
Jist dae thirty minutes every day on each o them and a will be weel.

Strawberry Girl said...

Scunnered hu? Gotta look that one up. ;D

Good advice there about the goals. I've been whittling out stuff that takes up lots of time without giving me results. So the focus is on writing (doing the research for which will help me with other things).

Thanks to ye both. (I couldn't think of anything to say Scots wise that didn't make me sound like a pirate or something...) ;D

Mike Smith said...

How did the interview go today, SG? I hope - nah, I know - it went well!