I am taking up the challenge to go greener...

Gigi - Over at Adventures in Gigi Joined the Change The World Wednesday challenge over on the Reduce Footprints blog.
Every Wednesday they will post a Green Challenge for the week. This week's challenge is:
At least once this week, take a short shower ... time it to no more than 10 minutes.
I am passing along the challenge to all of you. :D
Together We CAN Change the world!!

Gigi - Over at Adventures in Gigi Joined the Change The World Wednesday challenge over on the Reduce Footprints blog.
Every Wednesday they will post a Green Challenge for the week. This week's challenge is:
At least once this week, take a short shower ... time it to no more than 10 minutes.
I am passing along the challenge to all of you. :D
Together We CAN Change the world!!

Tell me you're not a tree hugger...!
Oh absolutely I am a tree hugger, they are rather friendly ya' know. I love eating healthy, trying to reduce my carbon footprint, biking instead of driving (if I can). But am I a militant Greenie, someone who goes out there to chain themselves to a tree to make a statement? Not at all. I believe you should care about the enviornment, but do you have to shove your opinion down everyones throat? No not at all. It only creates resentment. That's the way with anything that you believe in. If you see something that needs to be changed, then change it in yourself and explain why your doing it, but never try to force.
I have mixed feelings about this. On the one hand, I do believe it is good to protect the environment, and clean up our messes. But when people start talking about going green it also has some bad connotations for me. I do not believe in global warming, and it is an issue that really gets me riled up sometimes. I will not go into any details, but I will just say, that certain events and things I have learned have really turned me off to the new world view of "going green".
Hi Strawberry Girl! Thank you for joining Reduce Footprints' green challenge and inviting your readers to participate. I've spent the last year writing about easy ways that we can reduce our footprints on the earth ... and the weekly challenges seemed like a fun way to kick things up a notch. I truly believe that together we can make a difference ... a big difference. :)
So glad you are a fellow tree hugger. And you're right ... we're a friendly bunch. Not all of us are militant ... most of us just go about our days, making small efforts and doing the best we can.
BTW ... your blog is great. I'm following and have added you to my blog roll.
Thanks, again!
Small Footprints
I see garbage everywhere, when I walk chemicals sprayed on lawns reach my nose, and car exhaust chokes my lungs. People are sick, and there is something wrong with society. I am definantly not a part of hypocritical richies and polititians who talk about "going green" and buy "credits" then do whatever they want to. I want to take a look around me and see what I can do to improve things, then do it. I hope others do the same, it just makes sense. :D
(PS I love ya' Julene!! So glad to see your comment. :D:D:D)
congrats girl! 'be the change you want to see in the world'. - from a militant tree hugger who is amazed that anyone in this world still doesn't think humankind should be accountable for how it's wrecked the planet that has given us all life...militant does not have to mean a**hole, for me it means i'm not afraid to stand up and shout about what i believe in and do everything i can to influence change in the world. so many in the world we live in are way too passive aggressive, always worried about someone not liking them, hence why nothing ever gets done because people are too afraid to really pick a point of view. it amazes me that caring about the earth (that which gives us life) is mocked and seen as a 'movement' or a 'trend' and unimportant - would anyone speak so caustically about the concept of Family? no, because so many seem to think the earth was created for man, instead of us being just one of many living beings on this earth. we need more passion in this world and girl i appreciate all that you offer!
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