Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Tired, and feeling down... but writing.

Sometimes I fall into these melencholy moods for no particular reason at all. It's irksome irritating!!

So ya' today's been a bit melencholy for me, probably because I stayed up until almost 4 am trying to get Sam off to go work with his cousins in North Dakota (and apparently they are to take a short trip up to Canada as well).

I contemplate things when I am in this type of mood, like what I should be doing with my time rather than what I am doing. Plus I hold arguments with myself, because I tend to put myself down when I am feeling down.

Sometimes it is alright though to get down, and sad. It's normal, it's human, I mean we can't all be Pollyanna right?

So turning my "temporary" down mood into a creative outlet, I wrote a little piece on my.

I hope you enjoy it, and I hope you did not have a down day (unless you needed one of course). :D


Bagman and Butler said...

I'm not sure I would even want to be Pollyanna all the time!

RedLan said...

I felt down for the past two days. It's normal and I am happy now. Hope you are feeling the same. TC and you are lucky you have your family.