Sunday, June 7, 2009

Serenity Prayer

God, grant me
The Serenity to accept the
things I cannot change.
The courage to change the
things I can, and
The wisdom to know the difference.

Help me to have a sense of humor, we are all ridiculous at some point in our lives. We all have insecurities, and ideal selves. For the most part, the difference between our ideal self and the real self can be great. If you think about it though, sometimes we don't even recognize when we have been closer to the ideal, because we often focus on the negative aspects of life and don't recognize the positive. So we need to have a sense of humor.

Help me to be empathetic, even when I am feeling terrible myself. I think that this is the greatest challenge, to reach out to others with care and concern even when you feel awful and want to hide. Or you might wish that someone would reach out to you instead. Many times though, people get so preoccupied with their own problems that they cannot see anything but their own.

Let me see others, their true selves, and let me not judge them for their weaknesses. We are all full of potential mistakes, I wake up every morning and I might drag my feet sometimes when I should have hurried. Then later I will pay for that mistake by the need to rush. We make mistakes all the time.

At the same time though, we don't need to allow people to do everything that they want to do, just because they want to do it. I think we need to look down on behaviors that cause other people harm, if not then society will be a ruins.

Let me be able to forgive though. If something makes me angry, let me be able to let it go, because holding on to hate and anger are not productive. If something needs to be changed, like the little poem says, have the courage to change it. But if it cannot be changed let it go, you will be a happier person, as well as those around you.

I hope that you all have a nice Sunday.



Michelle said...

When I first started going to NA meetings.....the serenity prayer flag thingo fell on my head!

I kid you not!


Strawberry Girl said...

God works in mysterious ways. :0)

Bagman and Butler said...

I am always amazed that when I let go of my need to fix everyone else and work on fixing myself -- how much better everyone else around me gets!

Mike Smith said...

Beautiful words, SG