Sunday, June 14, 2009

Thinking of Important Things

I have run across just recently a post by Maithri Goonetilleke of The Soaring Impulse, "Another young poet, walking the broken road to freedom" about the trials of the people in Siteki, Swaziland in Africa. How far they have to walk to retrieve water from a muddy hole twice a day. How people (bloggers) have donated to help build a water pump to supply the village with water.

This makes me think of the miracle of turning on the tap, and having fresh clean water at my finger-tips. Can saving water, being conscious of it be a bad thing?

Should I feel deprived if I have to walk to the store sometimes? No, no, no I should not.

He also did a post on "The Butterfly Effect"

How scientists believe that a butterfly fluttering in Texas can effect the winds in Brazil.

Yes, certainly little actions that I take can effect a whole host of people.

He mentions how his friend sent him a card with some kind of a mechanism to have a Butterfly pop out when he opened it. That in turn led him to try and send her an e-card, he noticed that there is an e-card that if sent, the organization that is affiliated with the card will donate 10 bowls of food to the people of Darfur and you can send the card to 20 people at a time. 200 bowls of food from sending an e-card. Heck I don't know if it will work but I am going to try it out. ;D

That is "The Hunger Site"

Then behold, my mind dwelling on another beautiful important matter. A lady named Irena Sendler who saved over 2500 Jewish children during WWII. A blogger named John Guzlowski brought this lady to my attention. I love to hear about courageous people such as this. She put compassion for others above her own life and rescued these beautiful children. Read the story of this amazing lady here at "Lightning and Ashes."

Sometimes it is hard to think of all of the suffering that occurs in this world, at times we feel helpless. Yet there are many little things that we can do, one of the most important things that I did today was talking with a beautiful older lady (not that old, about my mom's age) who came over to see me. It was a blessing to speak with her, listen and find out how we could help each other. One of the great things about our churches "visiting teaching" program. I love all of the older ladies in our church, they are my sources of wisdom and strength.

I hope you are all well out there in the world.


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