Monday, June 22, 2009

Just my life, not terribly interesting... ;D

Today's been a funky day for me so far. Got up early to walk up the hill to my mum's, thought through a bunch of stuff, grabbed my bike and rode it down the hill.

I lost a pound, 1 pound... but I have been pounding the pavement, which tends to make my body react at first by inflamation and holding onto every ounce it can get.

I've lost weight before by doing Weight Watchers, got down to 120 wohoo!! Cept' I felt like a walking zombie (not enough fat in my diet).

So now I am trying to do things the other way round' which is eat right and exercise like well, a maniac and all!! ;D

Another thing that is frustrating to me is the whole money issue. I am so frustrated, we need money!! Sam's trying, plus he's going to school, but things are not panning out.

He took a week off school to run up to North Dakota to work with his cousins who've got a contract up there. Turns out that he needs to take care of a few things down this way before they'll let him onto the army base. So he's neither studying or working!!

But it's been good for me actually to have him gone. I needed some evaluation time, so much has happened in our relationship over the past 13 years, sometimes I get to this point where I am like GAH!! That's it, it's over. Then I will think of what else I can try and keep going.

So with all that I'm sitting here today contemplating re-working my resume (again) and whether I should push harder to get a job.

I just recently discovered a source of Gluten in my diet, the Tapioca flour that I've been using from my local health food store is contaminated!! It's milled on the same equipment with the other grains!!

I went up to SLC with my parents on Saturday to buy some certified Gluten Free Tapioca Flour. I can tell!! A big difference in how I feel, the clarity of my mind, the anxieties, the frikin' stuff goin on in my gut!!

That's what is so annoying about this!! I think I am alright, for me I can go walking around in an "alright" state, but it messes with my mind!! My thought processes!! When I get gluten out of my diet its like I am looking through clear glass, when it is in my diet its like looking through streaked glass. I can see either way, but it is so much better to be looking out of a clean window!

So I am glad to get out the bit of contamination that was in my diet.

What is hard for my dad is the idea that I seemed normal when I was growing up, "Seemed" normal!! If he only knew!! For him I have gone overboard, "a little bit of gluten isn't going to kill you." Well no, not right away, but it will and does hurt me. He kept saying "but I used to make you peaunut butter sandwiches all the time." I'm like, "I know that Dad, but your not taking the time to read about it and understand. It's terrible what it does to you."

Luckily my Mom is now on board, for me having a Gluten problem, though it is a hereditary disease so she and everyone else in my family should be tested. But I am not pushing it because it stresses her out if I do.

Anyhow, that's what's going on. Kazow!! I've gotta get out to garden, the Morning Glory has taken over!!


Mike Smith said...

Ach, SG, you look great as you are!

Strawberry Girl said...

*Grin* Thanks Mike, but with a wee bit O' excersize I will be healthier. ;D

Renee said...

That is a heck of a lot of things going on in your life right now.

You are under a lot of pressure too.

Money is tough because you need it to live and make a life for the kids. Yes it certainly isn't everything, but you do in fact need it.

Can you work outside the home and your husband stay home with the kids. Maybe do a role reversal if you are more employable.

I want what is best for you because I care about you and your family.

Love Renee xoxo

Strawberry Girl said...

Your words bring a tear to my eye dear lady. I sometimes think I am going mad, I have so much to do that I end up doing nothing.

Unfortuanantly it would not be possible to go work while Sam stayed home because he couldn't handle it. So here I am, kind of stuck between a rock and a hard place.

Thanks for your kind thoughts, I sure love you Renee!!


Snowbrush said...

I'm glad your mother supports you, at least.

Sorry about the money issues.

Strawberry Girl said...

Thanks Snowbrush, for the comment and for stopping by my blog.