I have figured out that, I may wish to be this fantastic, with it homeschooling mom that can pull all of these entertaining activities out of my hat to help my kids reach this pinnacle of excellence. But... I just can't do it.
I know of families that have these top notch confidant talented kids. I can't give though, the musical ability that I haven't developed myself. The good habits that I don't have. My kids can't dress in sharp "with it" clothes, I can't give them fantastic knowlege about the stars, history etc.
I have this limit- I've gotta stop beating myself up about not being able to give what I don't have, and just give what I have got and hope they forgive me for my shortcomings.
I am trying to get them to be responsible for themselves, to take charge of their interests and run with them. That's about all I can do really...
In any case here's a drawing that my daughter randomly drew on the white board out in the hallway and in her sketchbook. :D (I wonder where she got it from... actually Angie has a really interesting sense of humor).

I know of families that have these top notch confidant talented kids. I can't give though, the musical ability that I haven't developed myself. The good habits that I don't have. My kids can't dress in sharp "with it" clothes, I can't give them fantastic knowlege about the stars, history etc.
I have this limit- I've gotta stop beating myself up about not being able to give what I don't have, and just give what I have got and hope they forgive me for my shortcomings.
I am trying to get them to be responsible for themselves, to take charge of their interests and run with them. That's about all I can do really...
In any case here's a drawing that my daughter randomly drew on the white board out in the hallway and in her sketchbook. :D (I wonder where she got it from... actually Angie has a really interesting sense of humor).

Annie, I remember feeling this, and I still do at times, but you know what, my kids, despite their lack of trendy clothing and state of the art time wasters (well they do have a few of those)...they are actually nicer and more well rounded, in a HUMAN BEING type of way, than a lot of 'rich' kids they know.
It is so not all about the money.
Really :)
A little bit more would be nice though, having just said that...lol xx
remember in bridget jones? we like you "just as you are". :) regarding 'with it' clothes (uh-oh, you now sound like a Mom!), some of the coolest kids i went to school with shopped at thrift stores - it's eco friendly since you are recycling, there are great finds there for SO cheap, and way better than that crap in the discount stores that are poorly made by 5 year olds in china. ps, i shopped at thrift stores - why do you think they got to calling me bohemian? forces you to be creative - always a good thing.
Thanks girls, some days I just need a reminder. :0)
(and yes you can find terrific deals at thrift shops and yard sales, the best!!) :D
...Bohemian, so thats what they call it eh? ;p
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