Tuesday, June 9, 2009


I am so, so, so happy today!!

Not only are all of our nasty tax headaches being sorted out (thanks to finally going to see an accountant)! ;p ;D

But one of my all time favorite authors Anita Stansfield just sent me an e-mail!! A reply to one that I sent her about my struggles with Celiacs disease and the urge that I feel to write. :D

I am so thrilled!! I have read her books for so long, since I was about 14-15 or so and have been inspired and captivated by them. Wowie!! She wrote me back. :D:D:D

Anyway, that's my ubber happy news today. ;D

I also went for a good ol' fashioned walk up the hill, and even a week into this excerise thingy, I am seeing results!! Yeah! So, keep going right! :D


1 comment:

Bagman and Butler said...

Keep grinning...an old fashioned walk sounds good to me today...but first I have to go to old fashioned job.