Saturday, June 13, 2009

We All Do

I can see you, standing there with your sign. You are starving, not only for food but for dignity.

I see you, you are a human being, a brother, I will rush to your aid.

For you stand not alone, no, don't think it is so. I stand, with my invisible sign, starving for dignity, as well as for the food of a good word.

We all do

I see you, there in the darkness of your depression. You feel invisible, alone in the world.

Yet you stand not alone, in the darkness I can see you. I can hear your voice, it speaks to me, for I have hid in the darkness as well.

Sometimes we all do.

You struggle to carry on, you wish for a helping hand, you are just trying to get along in this world.

Yes me too, we do, we all do.


Adullamite said...

Possibly you have read my posts too often......

Mike Smith said...

Wonderful words, again SG.

Strawberry Girl said...

Thank you both for the comments.


Unknown said...

beautiful post. I'll be back to read you again soon!