This is the book about Provo and Orem (sister cities)

This is a house designed by Reed Smoot and prominent Utah architect Richard K.A. Kletting in 1892. Kletting lived in this residence until 1941. The Smoot family owned the residence afterward.

This house has been turned into a beautiful restaurant. Russell Hines built this house in 1894 on the corner of First South and Fourth West for his wife Kitty with money obtained in mining, real estate, and from the drugstore and saloon that he ran on the corner of Center Street and First West. Kitty, the daughter of a pioneer Mormon family, had raised local eyebrows when she married Russell, a gentile saloon owner. After her husband's death in 1989, she was a leading usinesswoman until she left for California in 1906.

The massive Gothic Revival tabernacle has stood as a landmark in downtown Provo for nearly a century. Construction began on the structure in 1883, although the building was not completed until the mid-1890's. There used to be a central tower, but it was removed when the roof colapsed under its weight.

This is a picture of the Mountain States Telephone Company Building or Ma' Bell.

Suprise!! Suprise!! When I recognized my grandmother on the far right in this picture. (Probably why she bought the book right? ;p)

She worked for Ma' Bell as a "head operator" for about 30 years!! I have several pieces of memorabilia from her including a cute little gold bracelet with tokens for every 5 years that she worked there. (This is my own photo... not out of the book).

This is a picture of the old Brigham Young Acadamy or BYA. It stood vacant for many years surrounded by a crude portable fence. I wrote about my impressions of it here.

These are off of the library's website.
Circa 1896

September 8, 2001

This is a shot (rather dark as the light was fading) of the old BYA building, renovated to become one of the best libraries Provo has ever had!! (With the exception of the BYU library).
Circa - This evening ;p

One of My Favorite Stores REAL FOODS MARKET!!

and... My Uncle Mo's (and girlfriend Callies) Cafe and Bar.
Callie's Cafe and Mo's Bar ;p
(It is really neat inside... so much western in so little space. I'll get a picture soon). :D

As Reggie Girl would say "Steady On!!"
Oh I loved the home you posted here. Are you able to tour these homes? What a great town you have!
Cool historic tour of the city!
I remember! I remember! Thanks for the tour. My twin daughters are in Salt Lake right now. Both of them graduated from BYU and married BYU graduates. Thanks for the trip. Gordon
Thank you all for the comments... I wish that I would have gotten more pictures. (Gordon, I will get you more pictures. It is raining today, but I will try to get some pictures taken next week) :D
I almost missed your Friday Shoot-out you're not on my list - now remedied - i have added you to my reading list. I found my impression of Provo Utah completely wrong - this is our bottom line - finding out what towns and cities are really about. look forward to you next week.
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