Wednesday, April 8, 2009

HUGS for my cousin Sue Sue

Oh I have found my cousinish soul mate!! Well that is soul mate in regards to being insane about organic and whole food. (Actually we're rationally insane, only crazy to others, muwahahaha). I have not seen Sue Sue for 13 years!! The last time I saw her was at my cousin Michelle's wedding and I was being an idiot. So I don't really remember the last time we really talked, if we ever did, because she was the younger of my two girl cousins from Saudi Arabia... Her older sister Nadeda and I got into trouble together. She attended a couple of semesters over here and I still have some notes that she passed me in class!! (Not to mention the Biology class that I took through the college... no wonder I didn't do well, but hey I was only 15 when I took it, it was my mom's idea cause' she works there).

I remember my cousins visits every summer. Aunt Lois would rent an apartment, usually in a student apartment building. We would run around in our swimming suits to go to the buildings pool and flirt with the boys!! One time we spyed on their neighbors by picking up the signal with their portable phone. We were naughty little girls!!

Tomorrow we are going to try to get together with Pammer and run up to SLC. I hope it's nicer, today the darn fikle Utah Spring played it's naughty tricks by sending a cold bitting wind!! (and a bit of hail and rain) However I did get out before hand to walk along the river with Roxie. I wrote something afterwards, but I am not sure I want to post it... it is a bit personal, and it talks about my relationship. Sam doesn't like it when I bring it up, he wants me to forget everything and move on. I would but it's hard, i'd write about it, but it's hard to write about it in a positive way. Shout out to Eco Grrl for her honesty!!


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