I wore myself completely out talking nonstop to my cousin Sue Sue on the way up to SLC today, as I said yesterday I haven't seen her for 13 years and I had no idea that we had so much in common and that we thought so similarly. We talked about everything on the way up and back, religion, politics, food, Gay rights, school teaching, my marriage, her relationship, everything that happened last year, the economy... it was a non-stop conversation flowing easily from one subject to another. It is so rare for me to be able to do this with anybody!! I want to snatch her right out of California to chat with her more often... but I guess we will have to survive on Facebook, e-mail, (she expressed intrest in blogging), and of course I can call her and all... ;p
What a day!! We visited some of the most beautiful and sacred sites up in Salt Lake, including the Tabernacle, the visitors center and last but not least the illustrious Joseph Smith Memorial Building, the former Hotel Utah!! I will see if I can find some pictures to put up (Sue Sue's going to e-mail me those she took... I lost the battery charger for my camera).
I have not been in the mood for writing much, I did write, as I said something personal but I want to change it around a bit. Plus I have the tax deadline to contend with on the 15th. So that's going to be a bit weighty on my mind...
Man I am worn out!! Who knew talking could wear you out like that (well I guess it's been an emotional rollercoaster as well because we talked of such diverse things and it's great to have someone listen and validate!!)
These are some pictures I found on the internet... Sue Sue has some pictures, like I said so I will post those later.
The Joseph Smith Memorial Building (The Salt Lake Temple is casting a shadow on it, the water is from the reflecting pool)

(Click picture to go to original source)
This is the lobby of the memorial building... it looks beautiful but dosen't do it justice in my opinion its one of those places that you say WOW when you walk into it. You can almost get a sense of the golden glow from the gold leafing on the ceiling above each of those individual chandeliers and at the very top of the pillars (which you can barely see, but it is hard to make out) are little cherubs and gold leaf pinapples. They had someone playing excellent music at the grand piano (in the center of the room) and there were several people reclining in the chairs with their eyes closed.

We also visited the internationally famous statue of the Christus in the North Visitors center. Created by Bertel Thorvaldsen.

What a day!! We visited some of the most beautiful and sacred sites up in Salt Lake, including the Tabernacle, the visitors center and last but not least the illustrious Joseph Smith Memorial Building, the former Hotel Utah!! I will see if I can find some pictures to put up (Sue Sue's going to e-mail me those she took... I lost the battery charger for my camera).
I have not been in the mood for writing much, I did write, as I said something personal but I want to change it around a bit. Plus I have the tax deadline to contend with on the 15th. So that's going to be a bit weighty on my mind...
Man I am worn out!! Who knew talking could wear you out like that (well I guess it's been an emotional rollercoaster as well because we talked of such diverse things and it's great to have someone listen and validate!!)
These are some pictures I found on the internet... Sue Sue has some pictures, like I said so I will post those later.
The Joseph Smith Memorial Building (The Salt Lake Temple is casting a shadow on it, the water is from the reflecting pool)

(Click picture to go to original source)
This is the lobby of the memorial building... it looks beautiful but dosen't do it justice in my opinion its one of those places that you say WOW when you walk into it. You can almost get a sense of the golden glow from the gold leafing on the ceiling above each of those individual chandeliers and at the very top of the pillars (which you can barely see, but it is hard to make out) are little cherubs and gold leaf pinapples. They had someone playing excellent music at the grand piano (in the center of the room) and there were several people reclining in the chairs with their eyes closed.

We also visited the internationally famous statue of the Christus in the North Visitors center. Created by Bertel Thorvaldsen.

Women talking can wear you out? Well I never...!
Yeah her brother was fairly silent the whole time. (Well I never, LOL, I never say that). ;p
I think its marvelous that you were able to fill your time with interesting discourse. It's wonderful when that happens and its even better when you share similar ideas and principles.
Thanks CES, you understand. ;p
Strawberry Girl, I have visited the Visitors Center many times, have sent a sister, son and daughter on missions. I'm glad that you are joining the Friday Shoot-out Group. I'm in Saint Augustine, Fl. Gordon
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