Strawberries!! I love them, especially the organic kind, or better still the ones you pick sun ripened and fresh from the garden. Then again there is a particular kind of thrill that I get when I come upon the wild ones!!
I don't know why this is, but it has always been this way. There are so many pictures of me with strawberry shortcake (the cartoon character) on my shirt, or cakes that my mom obliged me with for my birthday.
I also love the complimentary colors to strawberry red (dosen't that sound lovely, strawberry red?!) When I was trying to come up with a name for this blog, something that I had always liked, strawberry girl came to me and it just felt right...
I remember one year, for Christmas, I recieved a little strawberry themed bath kit. I used the little strawberry shampoo with delight, smelling the bottle of it repeatedly with an ecstatic thrill.
My hair was never so soft as when I used that shampoo!! I tried to be careful not to use it up, but it was gone to soon, and I pestered my mother about it for a long time afterwards.
Several Christmases ago, my mom hit upon a good idea for a gift guaranteed to make me smile. A shirt that said "Livin the sweet life," with Strawberry Shortcake on it.
She could not have guessed my reaction to it would be pure ecstasy!! I opened the box, completely unaware of what it could be, being an adult my mom had stopped buying me clothing every year so it was a surprise to get a clothing box.
As I lifted the lid and saw what it was I was filled with a surprisingly strong amount of happiness. I lifted it out and hugged it, then cried. That was one memorable gift!!
I buy my daughters Strawberry shortcake stuff as well, except for A, she sees right through it!! One year though I had gotten her a little gift set with a little Strawberry Shortcake doll in it.
Well... she lost interest in it, so I sentimentally picked up the doll to carry around in my pocket (she was being neglected). Imagine my embarrassment when a lady at the store saw me pull it out when I was rummaging in my pockets for some chapstick, I just grinned at her.
Every year about this time I start getting itchy for strawberry shortcake and my mother obliges me. So on Sunday she got a whole bunch of strawberries, to my everlasting delight, and asked me to help her cut them up.
Well sometimes I can do this chore efficiently, but for some reason I was day dreaming this Sunday and was happily cutting off the tops and lining them up on the cutting board to photograph, finding interesting looking strawberries, to take pictures of them as well.
My mom efficiently chopped away while I was doing this. I even found a baby green one (which I promptly took a picture of!!). My mom and sister started laughing at me, but I just can't help it sometimes!!
They decided that I would find strawberry themed blog background, and that I would look for strawberries pictures, and that I was going to so a post all about strawberries (uh, kinda did that one didn't I ;p). They were having a great time poking fun at me... (Little sis. I will get you back, just you wait, muwahahaha!!)
Most of my pictures were messed up because I was unfamiliar with my sons camera. But here are a few that turned out alright!!

I don't know why this is, but it has always been this way. There are so many pictures of me with strawberry shortcake (the cartoon character) on my shirt, or cakes that my mom obliged me with for my birthday.
I also love the complimentary colors to strawberry red (dosen't that sound lovely, strawberry red?!) When I was trying to come up with a name for this blog, something that I had always liked, strawberry girl came to me and it just felt right...
I remember one year, for Christmas, I recieved a little strawberry themed bath kit. I used the little strawberry shampoo with delight, smelling the bottle of it repeatedly with an ecstatic thrill.
My hair was never so soft as when I used that shampoo!! I tried to be careful not to use it up, but it was gone to soon, and I pestered my mother about it for a long time afterwards.
Several Christmases ago, my mom hit upon a good idea for a gift guaranteed to make me smile. A shirt that said "Livin the sweet life," with Strawberry Shortcake on it.
She could not have guessed my reaction to it would be pure ecstasy!! I opened the box, completely unaware of what it could be, being an adult my mom had stopped buying me clothing every year so it was a surprise to get a clothing box.
As I lifted the lid and saw what it was I was filled with a surprisingly strong amount of happiness. I lifted it out and hugged it, then cried. That was one memorable gift!!
I buy my daughters Strawberry shortcake stuff as well, except for A, she sees right through it!! One year though I had gotten her a little gift set with a little Strawberry Shortcake doll in it.
Well... she lost interest in it, so I sentimentally picked up the doll to carry around in my pocket (she was being neglected). Imagine my embarrassment when a lady at the store saw me pull it out when I was rummaging in my pockets for some chapstick, I just grinned at her.
Every year about this time I start getting itchy for strawberry shortcake and my mother obliges me. So on Sunday she got a whole bunch of strawberries, to my everlasting delight, and asked me to help her cut them up.
Well sometimes I can do this chore efficiently, but for some reason I was day dreaming this Sunday and was happily cutting off the tops and lining them up on the cutting board to photograph, finding interesting looking strawberries, to take pictures of them as well.
My mom efficiently chopped away while I was doing this. I even found a baby green one (which I promptly took a picture of!!). My mom and sister started laughing at me, but I just can't help it sometimes!!
They decided that I would find strawberry themed blog background, and that I would look for strawberries pictures, and that I was going to so a post all about strawberries (uh, kinda did that one didn't I ;p). They were having a great time poking fun at me... (Little sis. I will get you back, just you wait, muwahahaha!!)
Most of my pictures were messed up because I was unfamiliar with my sons camera. But here are a few that turned out alright!!

And I so love the smell of strawberries, candles and soaps and anything strawberry! Love 'em.
Yep, my kids always know which candle scent to pick for me!!
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