Saturday, April 18, 2009

Note to self...

There are moments, after many confused days, when you look in the mirror and realise that you are sabatoging yourself.

When the goals that you've set are still out of reach because letting go of the past is too hard.

When you are still angry even when you have said that you were not and your angry at yourself for being angry.

When you avoid doing things because it means that you can avoid facing things.

When you are passively-aggressive towards your self.

Thus you push away some people, people that you don't know how to deal with. They may be there, but you've distanced yourself from them, and they distance themselves from you. It's all a bunch of distance that you can't break through because...

You are avoiding doing things to avoid facing things.

You are still angry even when you have said that you were not and your angry at yourself for being angry.

There is a different version of yourself out there. One who is able to get past things and move on.

Sometimes you've got to face things... can you?


Michelle said...

I can tell you from the other side that it isn't as hard as you imagine and it is much more peacceful once done. The only way out is through. Hanging on to stuff takes up much more energy than letting go of it.



Strawberry Girl said...

Yeah I know, conciously, but subconciously it is a different matter. Harder to deal with that...